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.WordenISBN: 0-672-30467-8Microsoft SQL Server 6.5 Unleashed, 2EImprint: SamsAuthor: David Solomon, Ray Rankins, et al.ISBN: 0-672-30956-4Teach Yourself Delphi in 21 DaysImprint: SamsAuthor: Andrew WozniewiczISBN: 0-672-30470-8 Delphi Developer's GuideImprint: SamsAuthors: Steve Teixeira and Xavier PachecoISBN: 0-672-30704-9Delphi Programming UnleashedImprint: SamsAuthor: Charlie CalvertISBN: 0-672-30499-6Essential Oracle 7.2Imprint: SamsAuthor: Tom LuersISBN: 0-672-30873-8Developing Personal Oracle7 for Windows 95 ApplicationsImprint: SamsAuthor: David LockmanISBN: 0-672-31025-2Teach Yourself C++ Programming in 21 DaysImprint: SamsAuthor: Jesse LibertyISBN: 0-672-30541-0Teach Yourself Tansact-SQL in 21 DaysImprint: SAMSAuthor: Bennett Wm.McEwan and David SolomonISBN: 0-672-31045-7Teach Yourself PL/SQL in 21 DaysImprint: SAMSAuthor: Tom Luers, Timothy Atwood, and Jonathan GennickISBN: 0-672-31123-2Please check the Information SuperLibrary at www.mcp.com for further information and new releases.MagazinesDBMSP.O Box 469039Escondido, CA 92046-9039800-334-8152Oracle Magazine500 Oracle ParkwayBox 659510 Redwood Shores, CA 94065-1600415-506-5304Internet URLs for the Keyword SQLhttp://www.aslaninc.com/Aslan Computing Inc.: Specializes in SQL databases, Windows development tools,Windows NT networking, and Web services.http://www.radix.net/~ablaze/Ablaze Business Systems, Inc.: A leading Microsoft Solution Provider specializingin Visual Basic, MS Server, PowerBuilder, and the Internet.http://www.fourgen.com/FourGen: Open systems software supporting Windows, 4GL, UNIX, SQL, and OLEstandards.http://www.innovision1.com/steelep4/ddi.htmlDigital Dreamshop: Providers of innovative client/server applications, computergraphics services, and commercial software programming in Visual Basic, Access,Transact-SQL, C++, and Delphi.http://www.novalink.com/bachman/index.htmlBachman Information Systems: Vendor of database design tools for Sybase and Microsoft SQL Server databases and other development tools.http://www.everyware.com/EveryWare Development Corp.: Developers of Butler SQL, the SQL databaseserver for Macintosh.http://www.edb.com/nb/index.htmlNetbase: Netbase provides a low-cost client/server SQL database for UNIX.http://www.quadbase.com/quadbase.htmQuadbase: Quadbase-SQL is a high-performance, full-featured, industrial-strength SQL relational DBMS.http://www.sagus.com/Software AG of North America (SAGNA): Develops and markets open,multiplatform product solutions in the areas of distributed computing (ENTIRE),application engineering (NATURAL), SQL querying and reporting (ESPERANT),database management (ADABAS), and data warehousing.http://www.nis.net/sqlpower/Sql Power Tools: Second-generation tools for SQL developers and databaseadministrators.http://world.std.com/~engwiz/English Wizard: English Wizard translates plain English into SQL for access toyour database.http://www.microsoft.com/SQL/Microsoft.http://www.jcc.com/sql_stnd.htmlSQL Standards: The central source of information about the SQL standardsprocess and its current state. http://www.sybase.com/WWW/Connecting to Sybase SQL Server via the World Wide Web.http://www.ncsa.uiuc.edu/SDG/People/jason/pub/gsql/starthere.htmlGSQL: A Mosaic-SQL gateway.FTP Sitesftp://ftp.cc.gatech.edu/pub/gvu/www/pitkow/ gsql-oracle/oracle-backend.htmlGSQL: Oracle Backend.Newsgroupsnews:comp.databases.oracleUsenet: The SQL database products of the Oracle Corporation.news:comp.databases.sybaseUsenet: Implementations of the SQL Server.© Copyright, Macmillan Computer Publishing.All rights reserved. Teach Yourself SQL in 21 Days, SecondEdition-Appendix E -ASCII Table © Copyright, Macmillan Computer Publishing.All rights reserved. Teach Yourself SQL in 21 Days, SecondEdition- Appendix F -Answers to Quizzes and ExercisesDay 1, "Introduction to SQL"Quiz Answers1.What makes SQL a nonprocedural language?SQL determines what should be done, not how it should be done.The databasemust implement the SQL request.This feature is a big plus in cross-platform, cross-language development.2 [ Pobierz caÅ‚ość w formacie PDF ]

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