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.Emma Morgan is one of the nicest womenI ve ever met, a real Southern belle, but get on her badside and she ll make your life difficult.We always laughat Coach Morgan when he s had a fight with his wife  hestorms into the locker rooms and mumbles incoherentlyabout marrying a woman like his mother.But he adores hiswife and both his daughters.He s the kind of man I wish Icould be.Maybe someday. Hey Mrs Coach, I tease affectionately, knowing howmuch she hates it when we call her that.She swats my armplayfully with a dishtowel and chuckles. You boys betterbe behavin over here! Of course we are Mrs Coach, we re the most wellbehaved boys on the team, Brody quips.He s lying.Weboth know how much shit we re capable of gettingourselves into especially when we team up.We ve beenpartners in crime for what feels like forever. Can I get you boys the usual? Bacon, eggs, french friesand coffee? Yes please ma am, Brody and I respond in unison,causing us to laugh.She smiles at us affectionately for abrief second and then saunters off to place our order.Out of the corner of my eye I see Brody s expression harden suddenly, his playful disposition evaporating in theblink of an eye. Well if it isn t the she-devil herself, hebarks.I turn to look at who he s talking about andimmediately regret my decision when Rebecca walksthrough the door.Her fiery red hair flicks over hershoulders as she sashays her way toward our table.Herhips sway and her signature sneer sits firmly on the edgesof her ruby red lips.She s gorgeous but the problem is sheknows it.She flaunts it, uses it to manipulate the peoplearound her.She uses her body for that too and as much as Ihate to admit it, Rebecca is a real hell cat between thesheets.Our  relationship is purely physical and until nowI still haven t been with anyone who can get my body toreact the way she does.I notice how the normal physical reaction I have when Ilook at her isn t there anymore.Yup, it s time to move on.Love  em and leave  em I always say.She stops at our table and glares at Brody. Ha, that wasalmost a good one Brody, come up with that all on yourown? she snaps.She turns her attention to me and Istiffen. Hey babe! she drawls. Why didn t you call melast night? I missed you. Her voice goes from virulent tosyrupy sweet in less than a heartbeat.I never noticedbefore and if I m being honest I hate it.She bites her lipand traces her long nails up my arm suggestively.I mwaiting for my dick to stir, a tell-tale sign that her flirtylittle moves turn me on. But there s nothing.Not even a twitch. I was busy Rebecca. My voice is cold and flat and Iknow I m being an asshole but it s time to end this.I didn tsign up for a girlfriend and certainly not a possessive oneat that, which Rebecca knew from the start.I should veknown she d get attached, they always do.I hear her say something but it falls away when my eyesland on someone else.My breath catches in my throat andit s like all time is standing still, freezing this momentbefore it flies past too quickly.Nothing else exists.Her blonde hair is pulled up high in a messy bun with afew loose tendrils hanging in her face.She s wearing awhite sundress that compliments her sun kissed skin andred cowboy boots that make her legs look they go onforever.God have mercy& those legs& My mind goesstraight to conjuring up images of seeing her in nothing butthose red boots.Damn&I don t think Blondie can get any hotter but then she provesme wrong when she laughs, a light choral sound thatechoes through every bone in my body and settles itself inthe core of my stomach.I am completely transfixed, myeyes following her every move until she disappears intothe kitchen. Hello, Grayson? Are you listening to me? Rebecca sscreech is like a cold shower.My heartbeat slows,returning to its normal rhythm and everything around me comes back into focus. Yeah Rebecca, he heard you! Buthe was too busy checkin out Huntley Morgan to give ashit about what comes out of that mouth of yours, Brodygrowls.I inwardly curse myself, not for staring but fordoing it so shamelessly.But I couldn t help it.My eyeswere drawn to her like magnets and I wouldn t have beenable to look away even if I wanted to.I m a hot bloodedmale after all and when God makes something that perfectits only right to show some appreciation for His handywork.Wait, did Brody say her name was Huntley Morgan? Howthe hell does he know who she is?Rebecca huffs and storms off to her friends table whileBrody snickers.He finds this situation hilarious. ThanksBro, I snap, irritated. Now I m never going to hear theend of it. Not that I care. Whatever, it s time someone put that she-devil in herdamn place.She doesn t own you Gray.You yourself saidshe was nothing more than a warm body and last time Ichecked that did not equate to girlfriend status.I can t argue with that.He s right. How do you know her name anyway? I ask sounding alittle too eager, even to my own ears.My curiosity hasgotten the better of me; her name alone has piqued myinterest.Brody takes a second to realise who I m talkingabout and then looks me dead in the eye while formulatinghis response.His mouth pulls up into half a grin and I know I m caught.It s the first time in 2 years that I veshown a real interest in a girl.I stop myself from thinkingabout it though.Don t go there Gray& You need to move on& Mrs Coach introduced us when I got here.She s the nieceCoach has warned us all to stay away from. There s awarning in his eyes. So be nice Gray, but don t bewhippin out that entire home grown Southern charm all atonce.She s not just another freshman you can toy with. Igrin.No girl has ever been able to resist my  home grownSouthern charm.The kitchen door swings open and Huntley heads straightfor our table.I watch how her dress flows with themovement of her legs, hitting her just above the knee.Thecloser she gets the further up my gaze travels, ending onher face when she stops in front of us. Here you go, twocoffees, she says, placing our coffees on the table. Yourfood will be out in a minute. She smiles at me and Brodyclears his throat.I m gawking like an idiot.When Brodykicks me under the table I snap out of the stupor andgingerly smile back at her. Thanks is all I manage to saysince my voice has pulled a Houdini on me [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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