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Choose Layer > Type > Horizontal, or Layer >Type > Vertical.Rasterizing type layers" (ImageReady) Select Horizontal ( ) orSome commands and tools such as filter effectsVertical ( ) in the options bar.and painting tools are not available for typelayers.You must rasterize the type prior toSpecifying anti-aliasingapplying the command or using the tool.Anti-aliasing lets you produce smooth-edged typeRasterizing converts the type layer to a normalby partially filling the edge pixels.As a result,layer and makes its contents uneditable as text.the edges of the type blend into the background.A warning message appears if you choose acommand or tool that requires a rasterized layer.Some warning messages provide an OK buttonthat you can click to rasterize the layer.To convert a type layer to a normal layer:1 Select the type layer in the Layers palette.2 Choose Layer > Rasterize > Type.Changing type layer orientationAnti-aliasing None, and Strong.The orientation of a type layer determines thedirection of type lines in relation to the documentWhen creating type for online use, consider thatwindow (for point type) or the bounding boxanti-aliasing greatly increases the number of colors(for paragraph type).When a type layer is vertical,in the original image.This limits your ability tothe type lines flow up and down; when a type layerreduce the number of colors in the image and thusreduce the optimized file size, and may cause straycolors to appear along the edges of the type.CHAPTER 9256Using TypeWhen file size and limiting the number of colors is When you convert from paragraph type to pointmost important, leaving type without anti-aliased type, a carriage return is added at the end of eachedges may be preferable, despite the jagged edges.line of type (with the exception of the last line).Also, consider using larger type than you would When you convert point type to paragraph type,use for printed works.Larger type can be easier to you must remove carriage returns in theview online and gives you more freedom in paragraph type to let the characters reflow in thedeciding whether to apply anti-aliasing to type.bounding box.Note: When you use anti-aliasing, type may be Important: When you convert paragraph type torendered inconsistently at small sizes and low resolu- point type, all characters that overflow the boundingtions (such as the resolution used for Web graphics).box are deleted.To avoid losing text, adjust theTo reduce this inconsistency, deselect the Fractional bounding box so that all type is visible prior toWidth option in the Character palette menu.conversion.To apply anti-aliasing to a type layer: To convert between point type and paragraph type:1 Select the type layer in the Layers palette.1 Select the type layer in the Layers palette.2 Choose Layer > Type, and choose an option 2 Choose Layer > Type > Convert to Point Text,from the submenu; or select the type tool ( ) and or Layer > Type > Convert to Paragraph Text.choose an option from the anti-aliasing menu ( )in the options bar:Warping type layers" None to apply no anti-aliasing.Warping allows you to distort type to conform to avariety of shapes; for example, you can warp type" Crisp to make type appear more sharp.in the shape of an arc or a wave.The warp style you" Strong to make type appear heavier.select is an attribute of the type layer you can" Smooth to make type appear smoother.change a layer s warp style at any time to changethe overall shape of the warp.Warping optionsgive you precise control over the orientation andConverting between point type andperspective of the warp effect.paragraph typeYou can convert point type to paragraph type toadjust the flow of characters within a boundingbox.Or you can convert paragraph type to pointtype to make each text line flow independentlyfrom the others.ADOBE PHOTOSHOP 6.0 257User GuideTo unwarp type:Warping applies to all characters on a type layeryou cannot warp selected characters.While1 Select a type layer that has warping applied to it.warping is applied to a type layer, you cannot2 Select the type tool ( ), and click the Warpresize or transform the bounding box forbutton ( ) in the options bar; or choose Layer >paragraph type.Type > Warp Text.Note: You cannot warp type layers that include Faux3 Choose None from the Style pop-up menu,Bold formatting or use fonts that do not includeand click OK.outline data (such as bitmap fonts).Creating a work path from typeTo warp type:(Photoshop)1 Select a type layer.Creating a work path from type lets you work with2 Do one of the following:characters as vector shapes.A work path is a" Select the type tool ( ), and click the Warptemporary path that appears in the Paths palette.button ( ) in the options bar.Once you create a work path from a type layer,you can save and manipulate it like any other path." Choose Layer > Type > Warp Text.(See Selecting paths (Photoshop) on page 173.)3 Choose a warp style from the Style pop-upYou cannot edit characters in the path as text;menu.however, the original type layer remains intact4 Select the orientation of the warp effectand editable.Horizontal or Vertical.To create a work path from type:5 If desired, specify values for additionalwarping options: Select a type layer, and choose Layer > Type >Create Work Path." Bend to specify how much warp is applied tothe layer.Converting type to shapes (Photoshop)" Horizontal Distortion and Vertical Distortion toapply perspective to the warp.When you convert type to shapes, the type layer isreplaced by a layer with a vector-based layer6 Click OK.clipping path.You can edit the layer clipping pathand apply styles to the layer; however, you cannotedit characters in the layer as text.(See Editing alayer clipping path (Photoshop) on page 240.)CHAPTER 9258Using TypeTo convert type to shapes:" Double-click a word to select it.Triple-click aline to select it.Quadruple-click a paragraph toSelect a type layer, and choose Layer > Type >select it.Quintuple-click anywhere in the text flowConvert to Shapes.to select all characters in a bounding box." To use the arrow keys to select characters,Formatting charactershold down Shift and press the Right arrow or Leftarrow key.To use the arrow keys to select words,Photoshop and ImageReady give you precisehold down Shift+Ctrl (Windows) orcontrol over individual characters in type layers,Shift+Command (Mac OS) and press the Rightincluding font, size, color, leading, kerning,arrow or Left arrow key.tracking, baseline shift, and alignment
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