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.or.No, I didn't.489 HURT - HURT - HURT FLOOR (FIRST) HOSPITALzranić, skaleczyć piętro szpitalIF YOU FELL FROM THE TOP OF A HIGH BUILDING YOU'D KILLYOURSELF; BUT IF YOU FELL FROM A FIRST-FLOOR WINDOW, WHATWOULD YOU DO TO YOURSELF ?/ If I fell from a., I'd hurt myselfIF YOU HURT YOURSELF VERY BADLY, WHERE'D YOU BE TAKEN TO?If I hurt myself very badly, I'd be taken to hospitalHAVE YOU EVER SEEN ANYONE BADLY HURT IN A ROAD ACCIDENT?Yes, I've seen.or.No, I've never.WHAT HAPPENED ?WHAT'S THE WORST YOU'VE EVER BEEN HURT?/ The worst I've ever beenhurt was when.UNION TRADE UNION ORGANISATIONzwiązek związek zawodowy organizacjaPARTICULAR IN FAVOUR OF PAY (WAGES)szczególny, osobliwy być za zapłata (pobory)DO YOU THINK THAT A UNION OF ALL THE COUNTRIES OF THEWORLD WILL EVER BE POSSIBLE ? Yes, I think that a union of.will one daybe possible.or.No, I don't think that a.will ever be possible490 WHAT IS A TRADE UNION ?/ A Trade Union is an organisation which protectsthe workers of a particular industry, and fights to improvetheir pay and conditionsARE YOU IN FAVOUR OF TRADES UNIONS? Yes, I'm in favour of.or.No, I'm not in.ROPE sznurWHAT CAN WE USE ROPE FOR ? We can use rope for pulling things.etc.COURT sąd LOOK FOR szukaćWHERE DO PEOPLE GO WHEN THEY ARE LOOKING FOR JUSTICE ?People go to the law courts wh^n they.JUDGE sędziaWOULD YOU LIKE THE JOB OF A JUDGE ? Yes, I'd like the.or.No,I wouldn't like.DICTATION 46 LATENESS spóznienieWhen we hurry,/ we are not able to do things/ as well as/ when we take our time./ Youcan eat/ as much as you like:/ we've got plenty of food./ I haven't eaten so much/ since Iwas a little boy./ The teacher told the girl's mother/ that he found the girl's school-studies/were not as good as/ they ought to be./ When we are late/ for an appointment,/ we have torun./ If I lend you some money,/ will you pay it back/ when promised ?/ One should notmake important decisions/ without thinking carefully./ They would rather live/ in anagricultural part/ of the country./ He made no apology/ for his lateness.LESSON 84DARK - DARKEN " SHORT - SHORTENciemny - ściemniać się krótki - skracaćWIDE - WIDEN - WIDTH LENGTH - LENGTHENszeroki - rozszerzać - szerokość długość - wydłużaćSTRENGTH - STRENGTHEN FARMER OBVIOUS RHYTHMICALsiła - umocnić farmer oczywisty rytmicznyWe can sometimes form verbs from certain adjectives or nouns by adding the letters"en"./ For example, from the adjective "dark" we can make the verb "to darken"which means "to make darker"./ Other examples are "short - shorten: wide -widen etc."/HOW DO WE FORM VERBS FROM CERTAIN ADJECTIVES OR NOUNS ?We form verbs from certain.by adding the letters "en"492 GIVE ME SOME EXAMPLES, PLEASE! Dark-darken; short-shorten.etc.WHAT DOES THE VERB "TO DARKEN" MEAN ? The verb "to darken" means"to make darker"IF OUR TROUSERS ARE TOO SHORT, WHAT MUST WE DO TO THEM?/If our trousers., we must lengthen themWHAT DO YOU THINK IS THE BEST WAY TO STRENGTHEN THEFRIENDSHIP BETWEEN THE DIFFERENT COUNTRIES OF THE WORLD?I think the best way to.is to try to increase understanding betweenthem.and perhaps it is not a bad idea to send the childrenof one country to study for a year in another countryHOW DOES A FARMER FATTEN HIS ANIMALS ? A farmer fattens.by givingthem more and better food, obviouslyGIVE ME A SENTENCE WITH THE WORD "OBVIOUS"./ It is obvious fromwhat he says that he is not interested in the jobWe form these verbs only from adjectives or nouns of one syllable, and not always then.We don't say, for example, "to smallen" but "to make smaller" - mainly because itdoesn't sound very pleasant or rhythmical and is not so easy to say.493 HOW MANY SYLLABLES MUST AN ADJECTIVE OR NOUN HAVE INORDER FOR US TO FORM A VERB FROM IT?/ An adjective or noun musthave one syllable in order for us.CAN WE FORM VERBS FROM ALL ADJECTIVES OF ONE SYLLABLE?No, we can't form verbs.WHY NOT ? Because they don't always sound pleasant or rhythmical or easy to sayGIVE ME AN EXAMPLE OF A ONE-SYLLABLE ADJECTIVE FROM WHICHWE CAN'T FORM A VERB?/ An example of a.is small-smallen(large - largen: slow - slowen etc.)ACHE TOOTHACHE STOMACH-ACHE EARACHE HEADACHEból ból zęba ból żołądka ból ucha ból głowyAn ache is a continuous physical pain, such as toothache, headache, stomach-ache etc.WHAT IS AN ACHE ? An ache is a continuous.WHAT MIGHT YOU GET IF YOU ATE TOO MUCH ? I might get stomach-acheif I ate too much494 DO YOU EVER SUFFER FROM EARACHE ? Yes, 1 sometimes suffer.or.No, 1 never.WHAT KIND OF THINGS GIVE YOU A HEADACHE ?/ The kind of things that.are noise, too much work, hot weather etc.SHOULD* powinienem, OUGHT TO powinienem, CONFUSE pomieszać,-am, -śmy,-ście, itd.-am, -śmy, itd.zawikłaćAnother word we can use instead of "ought to" is "should".WHAT IS ANOTHER WORD WE CAN USE INSTEAD OF "OUGHT TO" ?Another word we can use instead of "ought to" is "should"SHOULD WE ALWAYS PAY BACK WHAT WE BORROW ? Yes, we shouldalways pay.WHAT SHOULD WE DO BEFORE CROSSING THE ROAD ?/ We should lookboth ways before.WHY SHOULDN'T CHILDREN THROW STONES AT ONE ANOTHER ?Children shouldn't throw.because they might hurt one another very badly"Should" has two meanings.For example, "I should study" can mean "I ought tostudy", or it can be the conditional of the verb "study".For example, "I shouldstudy if I had enough time".For this reason we generally prefer to use "would" forthe conditional, and say "I would study if I had enough time" and use "should"when we mean "ought to"./495 WHAT ARE THE TWO MEANINGS OF "I SHOULD STUDY" ? The twomeanings of.are "I ought to study", andthe conditional "I should study if."TO AVOID CONFUSING THE TWO MEANINGS, WHAT DO WE GENERALLYPREFER TO DO ? To avoid confusing.we generally prefer to use "would" for theconditional and "should" when we mean "ought to"ROUGH szorstki, SMOOTH SURFACE SEA-SICKwzburzony, przybliżony gładki powierzchnia choroba morskaEDUCATED UNEDUCATED ROUGHLY/wykształcony niewykształcony szorstko, z grubszaIS THE SURFACE OF THIS TABLE ROUGH ? No, the surface.but it's smoothWHEN YOU TRAVEL BY BOAT, DO YOU PREFER THE SEA TO BEROUGH ? No, when I travel.but I prefer it to be smooth, or calm496 WHY OR WHY NOT ? Because a rough sea makes me feel sea-sick.WHAT DO WE MEAN WHEN WE SAY WE MUST LEARN TO TAKE THEROUGH WITH THE SMOOTH IN LIFE ? When we say we must.we mean thatwe must learn to take the ups and downs of life and thebad times with the good timesAT A ROUGH GUESS, HOW MANY PEOPLE WOULD YOU SAY THEREWERE IN SPAIN (OR RUSSIA, OR CHINA ETC) ?/ At a rough guess, I'dsay there were.million.WHAT DO WE MEAN WHEN WE SAY THAT A PERSON HAS ROUGHMANNERS ? When we say
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