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.When Billy s college and with whom Marjorie Clark s grand-friend  Red Grange passes out, Billy takes his suit, mother Lucy broke up as a result.and he and Marjorie attend the prom.Stanley Student whose suit is temporarily appro-CHARACTERSpriated by Billy Johns.Clark, Amanda Rawlins Marjorie Clark s mother,who grows wistful over her own memories of promsand her loss of Carter McLane. No Harm TryingClark, Marjorie Girl who attends the prom withBilly Johns.Fiction Pat Hobby story.Submitted October27, 1939.ESQUIRE 14 (November 1940), 30, 151Estelle Girl whose date, Stanley, discovers that 153; Afternoon of an Author; The Pat Hobby Stories.his suit is missing.Studio executive Carl Le Vigne tells PatHobby that Pat s ex-wife Estelle Devlin is in theGrange,  Red Wealthy student whose suit Billy hospital after trying to cut her wrists and that heJohns borrows to attend the prom.Named afterhas put Pat on the studio payroll in order to helpcollege and professional football star Harold  RedEstelle.Pat buys an idea from Eric, the callboy,Grange (1903 91).and assembles Jeff Manfred, Dutch Waggoner,and Harmon Shaver to work on a script to starHoward Carter McLane s roommate, whose cor- Lizzette Starheim.When Shaver and the otherssage Amanda Rawlins [Clark] accepted in place ofpresent the idea to Le Vigne, Le Vigne revealsCarter s.that Miss Starheim, a foreigner, can speak onlythree English sentences; that Waggoner is notJohns, William Delaney (Billy) Marjorie Clark sreliable because of drug use; and that Manfred isdate to the prom, who has trouble finding a dinnerat the studio only because of a family connection.jacket or suit to wear to the dance.Le Vigne reveals to Pat that he had walked inwhen Estelle was typing Eric s story idea and hasKurman Tailor who refuses to hand over Billyput Eric on salary.Johns s dinner jacket except for cash.CHARACTERSLucy Marjorie Clark s grandmother, who brokeDevlin, Estelle (Mrs.John Devlin) Pat Hobby sup with Phil Savage when he was asked to leaveex-wife, to whom he was married only three weeks.college for cheating.Once the best script girl at the studio, she has triedto cut her wrists and is in the hospital.Luther Steward whom Carter McLane asks tosearch for a missing corsage.Eric Callboy at the studio who sells a movie ideato Pat Hobby and, when the idea is discovered toMcLane, Carter Man with whom Amanda Raw- be his, is put on salary.lins [Clark] was in love but who withdrew his pro-posal after he discovered that she had accepted Griebel, Louie The studio bookie.This charac-Howard s corsage in place of his.ter also appears in  A Man in the Way,  Teamedwith Genius,  Pat Hobby and Orson Welles,  PatPayson, Mr.Phil Savage s friend, who asks him Hobby s Secret,  Pat Hobby Does His Bit,  Onto leave college after he is caught cheating on an the Trail of Pat Hobby,  Pat Hobby s Preview,examination.and  Pat Hobby s College Days.  Not in the Guidebook 159Hobby, Pat See entry for this character under Fitzgerald s classification of notes includes:The Pat Hobby Stories.Anecdotes; Bright Clippings; Conversation andThings Overheard; Description of Things andAtmosphere; Epigrams, Wise Cracks and Jokes;Le Vigne, Carl Studio executive who puts PatFeelings & Emotions (without girls); Descrip-Hobby on the payroll to help Pat s ex-wife, Estelletions of Girls; Descriptions of Humanity (Physi-Devlin.cal); Ideas; Jingles and Songs; Karacters; Literary;Moments (What people do); Nonsense and StrayManfred, Jeff Associate producer who got hisPhrases; Observations; Proper Names; Roughjob through family connections.Stuff; Scenes and Situations; Titles; Unclassi-fied; Vernacular; Work References; Youth andNick Pat Hobby s landlord.Army.Shaver, Harmon Would-be producer who joinsPat Hobby in assembling a production unit for amovie based on Eric s idea. Not in the GuidebookStarheim, Lizzette Foreign actress who can speakFiction.Written December 1924; rewritten Febru-only three English sentences.ary 1925.WOMAN S HOME COMPANION 52 (Novem-ber 1925), 9 11, 135 136; The Price Was High.Waggoner, Dutch Movie director who is unreli-Jim and Milly Cooley, unhappily married forable because of his drug use.six months, sail to EUROPE, where Jim says he hasfound a job.Jim, a war hero who claims  shellshock to justify his unpleasant behavior to Milly,deserts her on the train to PARIS.Tour guide BillNotebooks of F.ScottDriscoll rescues her from two disreputable-look-ing men on the street and finds her a place to stayFitzgerald, Thewith his own landlady.When Milly accompaniesEdited by MATTHEW J.BRUCCOLI.New York & Lon- him on a tour of the Château-Thierry battlefield,she learns that it was really Bill who had sto-don: Harcourt Brace Jovanovich/Bruccoli Clark,len the German orders for which Jim had taken1978.Fitzgerald probably began to assemble his Note- credit.Milly gets a divorce from Jim and marriesBill.books after moving to  LA PAIX outside BALTIMORE,Maryland, in May 1932 [ Pobierz caÅ‚ość w formacie PDF ]

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