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.Babbalanja explains that he is sometimesPimminee ;  A, I, and O ;  A Reception Day at possessed by an internal imp named Azzageddi.Pimminee ;  Babbalanja Falleth upon Pimminee As they leave Pimminee, they are pursued byTooth and Nail ;  Babbalanja Regales the the avenging sons of Aleema, who shoot arrowsCompany with Some Sandwiches ;  They Still bearing Taji s name.Taji confesses his crime toRemain upon the Rock ;  Behind and Before ; his companions, but claims that he only murdered Mardi 123the priest to save Yillah.Babbalanja notes that it united to Dominora. A strong wind sweeps themis perhaps no wonder that Yillah is now lost, given away from Kaleedoni toward Verdanna (Ireland),the price of her rescue.Like a dark refrain, Hautia s  a stepchild of King Bello.They do not stop there,heralds appear yet again.however, instead pointing their prows toward Por-They approach Diranda, an island dividedpheero, where they try to visit Franko (France),between the lords Hello and Piko, who constantlyonly to have it erupt like a volcano.Taji is consoledengage in war games that destroy their subjects.Onby Yoomy: Surely Yillah would prefer to dwell inDiranda, Taji is wounded by one of three arrows,the new wilderness of Vivenza rather than in theafter which he is beckoned by three mysterious maid- old vineyards of Porpheero.ens.He resists their blandishments as well as Yoomy sChapters 157 162:  They Draw Nigh untooffer to distract him from his woes with wine.Land ;  They Visit the Great Central Temple ofChapters 142 156:  They Embark fromVivenza ;  Wherein Babbalanja Comments uponDiranda ;  Wherein Babbalanja Discoursesa Speech of Alanno ;  A Scene in the Land ofof Himself ;  Of the Sorcerers of the Isle ofWarwicks, or Kingmakers ;  They Harken untoMinda ;  Chiefly of King Bello ;  Dominora anda Voice from the Gods ;  They Visit the ExtremeVivenza ;  They Land at Dominora ;  ThroughSouth of VivenzaDominora They Wander After Yillah ;  TheyApproaching Vivenza, they pass Kanneeda (Can-Behold King Bello s State Canoe ;  Whereinada), to the north, which is rocked by violent gustsBabbalanja Bows Thrice ;  Babbalanjathat result from its differences with Dominora.Philosophizes, and My Lord Media Passes RoundWhen they approach Vivenza the next day, theythe Calabashes ;  They Sail Round an Islandspy in a lagoon a temple made of canes contain-Without Landing, and Talk Round a Subjecting a helmeted image of Vivenza s guiding spirit.Without Getting at It ;  They Draw NighAn inscription over the temple reads:  In-this-re-to Porpheero, Where They Behold a Terrificpublican-land-all-men-are-born-free-and-equal.Eruption ;  Wherein King Media Celebrates theBelow this, in smaller letters, is inscribed a codicil:Glories of Autumn; the Minstrel, the Promise Except-the-tribe-of-Hamo  a reference to theof Spring ;  In Which Azzageddi Seems to Usebelief that Africans are descended from the tribe ofBabbalanja for a Mouthpiece ;  The CharmingHam, Noah s third son, whom God cursed.Yoomy SingsThey are greeted by throngs of happy citizens ofAs the group leaves Diranda, Babbalanja and MohiVivenza, who insistently call their visitors atten-deliver parables about man s follies.Thus far thetion to their strength and virtue.Asked who is thevoyage has touched on places and people who illus-king, they scoff.All are kings here, they say, andtrate a broad range of these foibles.From now on,lead the foreigners to their Temple of Freedom.Ashowever, the royal canoes will land on islands thatthe visitors approach, they see a man with a collarembody the foolishness of nations.around his neck and red stripes on his back raisingThe first of these is Dominora (England), ruleda striped flag.Other collared menials wait uponby old Bello the Hump, whose deformity is meantthe chiefs, who lounge around in the amphitheaterto signify the British national debt.The ambitious,inside, some napping, some posturing, some chew-imperialist Bello has designs on Porpheero (Europe)ing tobacco.This, a bystander informs the visitors,after having been defeated in a war with Vivenzais the grand council, and at that moment Alanno of(America).In his own country he successfully putHio Hio (Senator WILLIAM ALLEN of Ohio) deliv-an end to an internal revolt, just as the Englishers a diatribe against King Bello and his threat tomonarchy put a stop to the Chartist rebellion (seethe northwest of Vivenza.CHARTISM).Failing to find Yillah in the north of Vivenza,Failing to find Yillah in Dominora, they sail on the group departs for the south [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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