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. Charles KetteringDon't follow trends, start trends. Frank CapraInnovation! One cannot be forever innovating.I want to create classics. Coco ChanelIntegrity in the WorkplaceNothing is illegal if a hundred businessmendecide to do it. Andrew Young111 Ernie J.Zelinski, Author of Real Success Without a Real JobThe higher the buildings, the lower the morals. Noel CowardDon't steal; thou'lt never thus competesuccessfully in business.Cheat. Ambrose BierceThe secret of life is honesty and fair dealing.Ifyou can fake that, you got it made. Groucho MarxThe poor and ignorant will continue to lie andsteal as long as the rich and educated showthem how. Elbert HubbardIntellectual WorkIntellectual "work" is misnamed; it is apleasure, a dissipation, and is its own highestreward. Mark Twain112 1001 Best Things Ever Said about Work (and the Workplace)Machines should work; people should think. IBM mottoUse your brain.It's the little things that count. Workplace graffitiEven the woodpecker owes its success to thefact that he used his head. Unknown wise personIntelligence in the WorkplaceAlways be smarter than the people who hireyou. Lena HorneBe smart but never show it. Unknown wise personTo succeed in the world it is not enough to bestupid, you must be well-mannered. Voltaire113 Ernie J.Zelinski, Author of Real Success Without a Real JobI can put two and two together, you know.Donot think you are dealing with a man who haslost his grapes. Tom StoppardThe height of cleverness is to be able toconceal it. François, Duc de La RochefoucauldThe best intelligence test is what we do withour leisure. Laurence J.PeterThe first method for estimating the intelligenceof a ruler is to look at the men he has aroundhim. Niccolò MachiavelliJobsWorking at a job you don't like is a lame wayto spend a good portion of your life. Unknown wise person114 1001 Best Things Ever Said about Work (and the Workplace)All paid jobs absorb and degrade the mind. AristotleYou don't resign from these jobs; you escapefrom them. Dawn SteelWork is for cowards. U.J.Puckett (pool hustler at the age of 66)With a very few exceptions the world of jobs ischaracterized by stifling boredom, grindingtedium, poverty, petty jealousies, sexualharassment, loneliness, deranged co-workers,bullying bosses, seething resentment, illness,exploitation, stress, helplessness, hellishcommutes, humiliation, depression, appallingethics, physical fatigue and mentalexhaustion. from Idler magazineCanadians shouldn't come down to SouthernCalifornia and take jobs away from Mexicans. Stanley Ralph Ross115 Ernie J.Zelinski, Author of Real Success Without a Real JobThe longer the title, the less important the job. George McGovernJob SecurityPerform your job better than anyone else can.That's the best job security I know. H.Jackson Brown, Jr.The only modern fairy tale is the one thatbegins: Once upon a time, there was a securejob. Unknown wise personWe hear of a silent generation, moreconcerned with security than integrity, withconforming than performing, with imitatingthan creating. Thomas J.WatsonThe desire for safety stands against everygreat and noble enterprise. Tacitus116 1001 Best Things Ever Said about Work (and the Workplace)We can create the ultimate job security bybecoming less dependent on the organizationfor which we work and more dependent on ourown resources. Bo BennettKnowledgeKnowledge without wisdom is a load of bookson the back of an ass. Japanese proverbTo know and not to do is not yet to know. Buddhist proverbLazinessResearchers at Harvard say thattaking a power nap for an hour inthe afternoon can totally refreshyou.They say that by the time youwake up you'll feel so good thatyou'll be able to start looking for anew job. Jay Leno117 Ernie J.Zelinski, Author of Real Success Without a Real JobA lazy person gives the workaholic somethingworthwhile to do and someone to feel happilysuperior to. Julia SwiggumThere are only four types of officer.First, thereare the lazy stupid ones.Leave them alone,they do no harm.Second, there are the hard-working intelligent ones.They make excellentstaff officers, ensuring that every detail isproperly considered.Third, there are the hard-working, stupid ones.These people are amenace and must be fired at once.Theycreate irrelevant work for everyone.Finally,there are the intelligent lazy ones.They aresuited for the highest office. General von Manstein about the GermanOfficer CorpsThere is no rush.If we think intelligently aboutwhat we can achieve with our time, we can berelaxed, even lazy.In fact, being lazy having plenty of time to think  may actuallybe a precondition for achieving a great deal. Richard Koch118 1001 Best Things Ever Said about Work (and the Workplace)It was such a lovely day I thought it was a pityto get up. Somerset MaughamIf you don't want to do something, one excuseis as good as another. Jewish proverbFailure is not the only punishment for laziness:there is also the success of others [ Pobierz caÅ‚ość w formacie PDF ]

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