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.54.Ibid.55.Wells and Doherty, Historic Research Project, chapter 13.56.Ibid.NOTES TO PAGES 21 31 16757.Wells and Doherty, Historic Research Project, chapter 13.58.Ferguson interview.59.Burton interview.60.Haney and Hardee, Assignment #10.61.Grossman, Land of Hope, 29.62.Shubuta Mississippi Messenger, 5 June 1914.63.Shubuta Mississippi Messenger, 17 December 1915.64. Weevil Effects Showing Strong, Shubuta Mississippi Messenger,21 December 1923.65.Grossman, Land of Hope, 29.66.Du Bois, Souls of Black Folk, 89.67.Mason, Shubuta, Mississippi, 40.68.Ferguson interview.69.Eddie McDonald, interview by author, mini-disk recording,Shubuta, Mississippi, 12 November 2002.70.Ibid.71.Ibid.72.Wells and Doherty, Assignment #22.73.Eddie McDonald interview.74.McKinley Johnson, interview by author, mini-disk recording,Albany, New York, 24 February 2004.75.Ibid.76.Shubuta Mississippi Messenger, 16 December 1921.77.Philip Koslow, ed., The New York Public Library AfricanAmerican Desk Reference (New York: Stonesong Press, 1999), 316.78. Shubuta Lynchings, The Cincinnati Union, 31 May 1919, OhioHistorical Archives, Newspaper Roll #8847, Vol.13, No.22, page:01 accessedat: http://dbs.ohiohistory.org/africanam/page.cfm?ID=760&Current=01_01A79.Mason, Shubuta, Mississippi, 103.80.Ibid.CHAPTER 2. GOD LED ME TO ALBANY1.United States Bureau of the Census, Fifteenth Census of theUnited States Taken in 1930, Albany County, Albany, New York, Wards1 19, New York State Library, Albany, New York.168 NOTES TO PAGES 31 392.Ibid.3.John J.McEneny, Albany: Capital City on the Hudson (SunValley, California: American Historical Press, 1998), 79 81.4.Ibid.5.Ibid.6.Ibid., 79 81.7.Ibid, 151 53.8.William Kennedy, O Albany! Improbable City of PoliticalWizards, Fearless Ethnics, Spectacular Aristocrats, Splendid Nobodies, andUnderrated Scoundrels (New York: The Viking Press, 1983), 258 59.9.Fifteenth Census of the United States, Albany, New York.10.M.C.Lawton 75th Anniversary Celebration Pamphlet,M.C.Lawton Club Collection, M.E.Grenander Department of SpecialCollections and Archives, University at Albany.11.Ibid.12.Harold Winchester, The Early History of the Albany Inter-Racial Council, The Ruth Robert African Americans in Albany Collectionat the Albany Institute of History and Art, Albany, New York.13.Ibid.14.Ibid.15.National Urban League, Department of Research andInvestigation, The Negro Population Albany, New York (New York:National Urban League, 1928), 41.16.Winchester, Early History.17.NAACP Albany Branch, A Brief History Albany Branch,50th Anniversary Freedom Fund Dinner booklet, 8 November 1985,University at Albany Library, M.E.Grenander Department of SpecialCollections and Archives, NAACP Albany, NY, Branch Records, 196668 Series 1: Subject Files History Box 3, Folder 4.18.The Scottsboro Boys were nine black teenagers involved ina two-decade court battle beginning in 1931 against execution for thealleged rape of two white girls.19.NAACP Albany, 50th Anniversary Freedom Fund Dinnerbooklet.20.Kennedy, O Albany!, 257 58.21.Ferguson interview.NOTES TO PAGES 39 45 16922.Fifteenth Census of the United States, Albany, New York.23.Ibid.24.Bill Kennedy, New South End Emerging amid Urban, SocialProgress, Albany Times Union, 13 or March 1967.25.Ibid.26.Conway interview.27.Kennedy, O Albany!, 157.28.National Urban League, Negro Population, 10.29.Ibid.30.Ibid.31.Ibid.32.Geneva Conway and Leon Dukes, A Capital Area OralHistory, public program recorded on tape, Albany Institute of Historyand Art, 22 February 1997.33.Patricia Beebee, A Capital Area Oral History, public programrecorded on tape, Albany Institute of History and Art, 22 February 1997.34.James Stamper, A Capital Area Oral History, public programrecorded on tape, Albany Institute of History and Art, 22 February1997.35.Ibid.36.Dukes interview.37.Albany Times Union, 15 December 1981, clipping file, NAACPAlbany, NY Branch Records, 1966 68 Series 1: Subject Files History Box3, Folder 4, University at Albany Library, M.E.Grenander Departmentof Special Collections and Archives.38.Ibid.39.Ibid.40.Ibid.41.McKinley Johnson interview.42.Ibid.43.Ibid.44.Grossman, Lord of Hope, 91.45.Fifteenth Census of the United States, Albany, New York.46.Program of the Albany Inter-Racial Council, 1929, M.C.Lawton Club papers, M.E.Grenander Department of Special Collectionsand Archives, University at Albany.170 NOTES TO PAGES 45 5247.M.C.Lawton Presidential Report, July 1928, M.C.LawtonClub papers, M.E.Grenander Department of Special Collections andArchives, University at Albany.48.Ibid., 5.49.Ibid., 6.50.Fifteenth Census of the United States, Albany, New York.51.12th through 18th United States Census, Albany, N.Y.52.National Urban League, Negro Population, 7.53.Ibid., 25.54.Ibid., 2.55.McEneny, Albany, 27.56.Kennedy, New South End Emerging.57.McEneny, Albany, 27.58.Fifteenth Census of the United States, Albany, New York.59.Ibid.60.Ibid.61.Ibid.62.Ibid.63.National Urban League, Negro Population, 9.64.Stamper interview.65.Ibid.66.Ibid.67.The Holland Tunnel connects New York and New Jerseyunder the Hudson River.Construction began in 1920 and ended in 1927.The Holland Tunnel was the world s first long, underwater, mechanicallyventilated vehicular tunnel.68.Dukes interview.69.Ibid.70.Ibid.71.Ibid.72.Conway interview.73.Fifteenth Census of the United States, Albany, New York.74.Rose Juan Jackson, The Black Educational Experience in aNorthern City: Albany, New York, 1830 1970 (PhD diss., NorthwesternUniversity, 1976), 139.75.National Urban League, Negro Population, 39.NOTES TO PAGES 52 58 17176.Ibid., 35.77.Ibid., 34.78.Ibid., 35.79.M.C.Lawton Report, 11.80.Ibid., 12.81.Conway interview.82.M.C.Lawton Report, 10.83.Ibid.84.Stamper interview.85.Conway interview.86.Ibid.87
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