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.Israel, according to the 1996 paper, would  shape its strategic environment,beginning with the removal of Saddam Hussein and the restoration of theHashemite monarchy in Baghdad.The Iraqi monarchy was overthrown in a mil-itary coup in 1958 when young King Faisal, a cousin of Jordan s late KingHussein, was assassinated.The strategic roadmap which has been followed faithfully thus far by bothMr.Netanyahu and his successor Mr.Sharon  called for the abandonment ofthe Oslo accords  under which Israel has no obligations if the PLO does not ful-fill its obligations. Yasser Arafat blundered by obliging Israel. Our claim to the land [of the West Bank]  to which we have clung for2,000 years  is legitimate and noble, the paper continued. Only the uncondi-tional acceptance by Arabs of our rights, especially in their territorial dimension,is a solid basis for the future. 93And what is notable is that Israel s  strategic roadmap referred to bydeBorchgrave (and also referenced by Kaiser) was not just the product ofan Israeli institution alone.The authors, as pointed out by Kaiser, wereAmericans namely Richard Perle, Douglas Feith, John R.Bolton, andDavid Wurmser, all key  neo-conservative policy makers guiding theBush administration. OPINION IN ISRAEL.While all of this may have been a  revelation to readers of TheWashington Post and The Washington Times which generally vary onlyby degree in pandering to the policy demands of the Israeli lobby inWashington, it was no surprise to the people of Israel.Just two (of many) representatives reports in the Israeli press thatnoted comments by Israeli leaders demonstrates that the motivations ofthe  neo-conservative policy makers were indeed part of a grand designvery much in sync with Israel s fanatic Likud bloc:. In the [occupied] territories, the Arab world, and in Israel, Bush s sup-port for Sharon is being credited to the pro-Israel lobby, meaning Jewish moneyand the  Christian right. Israeli writer Akiva Eldar, Ha aretz, April 26, 2002 Sharon is finding it hard to show any achievements during his 20 months inpower.an American attack on Iraq is seen as the lever which can extricateIsrael from its economic, security and social quagmire. Israeli correspondent Aluf Benn, Ha aretz,November 18, 2002Despite all this, the one independent American newspaper that hasconsistently dared to criticize the  neo-conservatives and the Israelilobby for Israel and to focus on their activities American Free Presswas perhaps less circumspect than the  big name elite publications suchas The Washington Post and The Washington Times in summarizing thenew alliance of the Bush administration with the Sharon regime.BUSH POLICY  GREATER ISRAELLong before the major Washington dailies enunciated the Bush-Sharon alliance, American Free Press stated flatly that the Bush policieswere part of a plan to establish the Zionist dream of a  Greater Israel.According to the report from American Free Press:In league with the fanatic force of militant imperial Zionism, Big Oilwas planning an all-out offensive to grab control of the oil riches of the 58 MICHAEL COLLINS PIPERentire Middle East.The international Anglo-American oil companiesdream of shedding their partners in the oil rich Arab dynasties that con-trol the oil fields.The oil barons want the oil all to themselves.At thesame time, Zionist fanatics both Christian and Jewish dream of dis-mantling the Arab states and expanding Israel s borders to a  GreaterIsrael reaching  From the Nile to the Euphrates.With such a convergence of interests based on a deadly mixture ofideology, profits and geopolitical power Zionism and Big Oil had foundcommon ground.As such, they were now moving to establish a MiddleEast hegemon over the oil riches of the Arab world.The campaign againstIraq was simply the opening gun.The fact that the other Arab states of the Middle East had firmlydeclared their opposition to the proposed U.S.assault on Iraq set thesestates up as other enemies to be dispatched.The age-old Zionist aspira-tion for a  Greater Israel is now no more than a cover for the oil con-glomerates to seize absolute control of Arab oil, once and for all.The firststep was eliminating Saddam Hussein.Iraq is just the first domino slated to fall.The other Arab states arenext in line.Knocking out the ruling Arab regimes will satisfy thedemands of Israel s hard-liners, but also set the stage for the oil con-glomerates to control Middle East oil.It is no accident that the administration of George W.Bush should bethe engine to achieve this goal.The scion of a family long a part of theintrigues of the Anglo-American oil elite, Bush like his father hasbeen both allied with Israel and, when the circumstances required, stand-ing in opposition to the Zionist state.American Free Press pointed out that in the book Friends In Deed:Inside the U.S.-Israel Alliance, Israeli-based writers Dan Raviv and YossiMelman wrote frankly of Israel s hostility to the senior Bush during hisone-term in office a point of which few Americans are aware, evenincluding many stalwart Republican admirers of the Bush family.As such, the Israelis have little trust for the family Bush.However, aBush is in the White House in control of America s military arsenal.Israelrecognizes American military power is the only thing that can assureIsrael s survival in a world increasingly hostile to Israel s aims.Thus, Bush and his allies in Big Oil find an alliance with Israel a necessity.Zionist influence in American affairs particularly in the realm ofmedia control has reached a zenith.In addition, the pro-Israel Christian Right  dominated by the likes of Jerry Falwell, PatRobertson, Tim LaHaye, etc is extremely influential in RepublicanParty ranks, positioning Bush s GOP base firmly in Israel s camp.At thesame time, ironically, Israel s position has never been so precarious.However fortuitously, for Israel the events of Sept.11 brought theuneasy alliance between political Zionism and the plutocratic Big Oilforces full circle.As former CIA analyst George Friedman a supporterof Israel put it early on Sept.11 on his widely cited website, www.strat-for.com, just hours after the tragic attacks:  The big winner today, intend-ed or not, is the state of Israel.Junior Bush has driven American military forces into the heart of theArab world, to establish a geopolitical consortium in which U.S.militarymight can be used to  tame the Arabs and grab control of their oil.In sodoing Bush has the full propaganda might of the Zionist-dominatedmedia behind him.Open Secrets by the late Israeli scholar and critic of Zionism, IsraelShahak, frankly exposes Israel s foreign policy as a menace to worldpeace.Shahak contends it is a myth that there is any real differencebetween the supposedly  conflicting policies of Israel s  opposingLikud and Labor blocs, both of which advocate expansion aiming towardconsolidating  Eretz Israel  an imperial state in control of practicallythe entire Middle East.Israel, he asserts, is a militarist state: its policiesare dictated by fundamentalist religious fanatics who now dominateIsrael s military and intelligence elite.If American forces destroy Saddam and occupy Iraq, American FreePress predicted, Israel would be a key partner in the consortium, by virtueof Israel s influence in Washington and over the media [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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