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.ÿþenlarged.10 Christ Church expended 18,000 pounds on glebe buildings in 1707,24,000 lbs.in 1708, and 18,000 lbs.in 1709.11 But frame structures in the Chesa-peake climate had short life spans.Yates told his vestry in 1728 that   the Man-sion house and other Building upon his Glebe are in so ruinous a Conditionthat rather than undertake to put & keep them in Such repair as the Law re-quires He must quit his Incumbency.  The vestry,   very ardently desiring hiscontinuance  and   Sensible that in case Mr.Yates Should resign the Livingno other Minister would receive the Buildings in the condition they are atpresent,  had no real option but once again to undertake at the parish expensethe necessary renovations.12Yates s epitaphial   innocence  should not be interpreted as otherworldlyobliviousness to his material circumstances.His effective use of threats to moveelsewhere in the course of property negotiations with his vestry dispels thatnotion.Land speculation attracted his attention as well.In 1721 Yates, in as-sociation with Henry Beverley, William Stanard, and Lewis Latané, secureda patent for 3,000 acres in what was then frontier Spotsylvania County.Twoyears later Yates and a group of influential partners obtained a grant of 16,000acres again in Spotsylvania County.13 While the outcome of these ventures re-mains uncertain, it is clear that Yates kept a strong hand in wealth-gainingactivities while he carried out his pastoral duties.14Yates s epitaph pays tribute to a   tender Husband  and an   indulgentFather.  His   Consort  was Sarah, daughter of William Stanard and widow ofTobias Mickleburrough, both prominent local planter families.Bartholomewmarried her in1704, a year after assuming his pastoral responsibilities in ChristChurch Parish.15 The marriage yielded three sons and two daughters who sur-vived the perils of infancy and childhood to marry and raise families of theirown.Through them Bartholomew Yates s life and ministry was perpetuatedlong after his and Sarah s remains had been interred in the soil of MiddlesexCounty.Sarah and Bartholomew founded a clerical dynasty matched only bythe Fontaine-Maurys in eighteenth-century Virginia.Bartholomew Yates Jr., born in 1712, was sent off to Oxford, where he ma-triculated at Oriel College and received a degree in1735.Two years later he wasordained deacon and priest by the bishop of London and returned home tosucceed his recently deceased father as rector of Christ Church Parish from1737 to 1767.16 In 1741 he married Elizabeth Stanard, the daughter of Williamand Elizabeth Beverley Stanard.17A second son, Robert, was born in 1715 and, like his older brother, enteredOriel College, Oxford, in1733, earning his baccalaureate degree in1737.He, too,.Clerical Lives 165 [ Pobierz caÅ‚ość w formacie PDF ]

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