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.18; E212| Be Payed? Doth he Forgive Pollution only on conditions of PurityJ61.19; E212| That Debt is not Forgiven! That Pollution is not ForgivenJ61.20; E212| Such is the Forgiveness of the Gods, the Moral Virtues of theJ61.21; E212| Heathen, whose tender Mercies are Cruelty.But Jehovahs SalvationJ61.22; E212| Is without Money & without Price, in the Continual Forgiveness of SinsJ61.23; E212| In the Perpetual Mutual Sacrifice in Great Eternity! for behold!J61.24; E212| There is none that liveth & Sinneth not! And this is the CovenantJ61.25; E212| Of Jehovah: If you Forgive one-another, so shall Jehovah Forgive You:J61.26; E212| That He Himself may Dwell among You.Fear not then to takeJ6127; E212| To thee Mary thy Wife, for she is with Child by the Holy GhostJ61.28; E212| Then Mary burst forth into a Song! she flowed like a River ofJ61.29; E212| Many Streams in the arms of Joseph & gave forth her tears of joyJ61.30; E212| Like many waters, and Emanating into gardens & palaces uponJ61.31; E212| Euphrates & to forests & floods & animals wild & tame fromJ61.32; E212| Gihon to Hiddekel, & to corn fields & villages & inhabitantsJ61.33; E212| Upon Pison & Arnon & Jordan.And I heard the voice amongJ61.34; E212| The Reapers Saying, Am I Jerusalem the lost Adulteress? or am IJ61.35; E212| Babylon come up to Jerusalem? And another voice answerd SayingJ61.36; E212| Does the voice of my Lord call me again? am I pure thro his MercyJ61.37; E212| And Pity.Am I become lovely as a Virgin in his sight who amJ61.38; E212| Indeed a Harlot drunken with the Sacrifice of Idols does he J61.39; E212| Call her pure as he did in the days of her Infancy when SheJ61.40; E212| Was cast out to the loathing of her person.The Chaldean tookJ61.41; E212| Me from my Cradle.The Amalekite stole me away upon his CamelsJ61.42; E212| Before I had ever beheld with love the Face of Jehovah; or knownJ61.43; E212| That there was a God of Mercy: O Mercy O Divine Humanity!J61.44; E212| O Forgiveness & Pity & Compassion! If I were Pure I should neverJ61.45; E212| Have known Thee; If I were Unpolluted I should never haveJ61.46; E212| Glorified thy Holiness, or rejoiced in thy great Salvation.J61.47; E212| Mary leaned her side against Jerusalem, Jerusalem recievedJ61.48; E212| The Infant into her hands in the Visions of Jehovah.Times passed onJ61.49; E212| Jerusalem fainted over the Cross & Sepulcher She heard the voiceJ61.50; E212| Wilt thou make Rome thy Patriarch Druid & the Kings of Europe hisJ61.51; E212| Horsemen? Man in the Resurrection changes his Sexual Garments at willJ61.52; E212| Every Harlot was once a Virgin: every Criminal an Infant Love!J62.1; E212| Repose on me till the morning of the Grave.I am thy life.J62.2; E212| Jerusalem replied.I am an outcast: Albion is dead!J62.3; E212| I am left to the trampling foot & the spurning heel!J62.4; E212| A Harlot I am calld.I am sold from street to street!J62.5; E212| I am defaced with blows & with the dirt of the Prison!J62.6; E213| And wilt thou become my Husband O my Lord & Saviour?J62.7; E213| Shall Vala bring thee forth! shall the Chaste be ashamed also?J62.8; E213| I see the Maternal Line, I behold the Seed of the Woman!J62.9; E213| Cainah, & Ada & Zillah & Naamah Wife of Noah.J62.10; E213| Shuahs daughter & Tamar & Rahab the Canaanites:J62.11; E213| Ruth the Moabite & Bathsheba of the daughters of HethJ62.12; E213| Naamah the Ammonite, Zibeah the Philistine, & MaryJ62.13; E213| These are the Daughters of Vala, Mother of the Body of deathJ62.14; E213| But I thy Magdalen behold thy Spiritual Risen BodyJ62.15; E213| Shall Albion arise? I know he shall arise at the Last Day!J62.16; E213| I know that in my flesh I shall see God: but EmanationsJ62.17; E213| Are weak.they know not whence they are, nor whither tend.J62.18; E213| Jesus replied.I am the Resurrection & the Life.J62.19; E213| I Die & pass the limits of possibility, as it appearsJ62.20; E213| To individual perception.Luvah must be CreatedJ62.21; E213| And Vala; for I cannot leave them in the gnawing Grave.J62.22; E213| But will prepare a way for my banished-ones to returnJ62.23; E213| Come now with me into the villages.walk thro all the cities. J62.24; E213| Tho thou art taken to prison & judgment, starved in the streetsJ62.25; E213| I will command the cloud to give thee food & the hard rockJ62.26; E213| To flow with milk & wine, tho thou seest me not a seasonJ62.27; E213| Even a long season & a hard journey & a howling wilderness!J62.28; E213| Tho Valas cloud hide thee & Luvahs fires follow thee!J62.29; E213| Only believe & trust in me, Lo.I am always with thee!J62.30; E213| So spoke the Lamb of God while Luvahs Cloud reddening aboveJ62.31; E213| Burst forth in streams of blood upon the heavens & dark nightJ62.32; E213| Involvd Jerusalem.& the Wheels of Albions Sons turnd hoarseJ62.33; E213| Over the Mountains & the fires blaz'd on Druid AltarsJ62.34; E213| And the Sun set in Tyburns Brook where Victims howl & cry.J62.35; E213| But Los beheld the Divine Vision among the flames of the FurnacesJ62.36; E213| Therefore he lived & breathed in hope.but his tears fell incessantJ62.37; E213| Because his Children were closd from him apart: & EnitharmonJ62.38; E213| Dividing in fierce pain: also the Vision of God was closd in cloudsJ62.39; E213| Of Albions Spectres, that Los in despair oft sat, & often ponderdJ62.40; E213| On Death Eternal in fierce shudders upon the mountains of AlbionJ62.41; E213| Walking: & in the vales in howlings fierce, then to his AnvilsJ62.42; E213| Turning, anew began his labours, tho in terrible pains!J63.1; E213| Jehovah stood among the Druids in the Valley of AnnandaleJ63.2; E213| When the Four Zoas of Albion, the Four Living Creatures, the CherubimJ63.3; E213| Of Albion tremble before the Spectre, in the starry likeness of the PlowJ63.4; E213| Of Nations.And their Names are Urizen & Luvah & Tharmas & Urthonat312J63.5; E214| Luvah slew Tharmas the Angel of the Tongue & Albion brought himJ63.6; E214| To Justice in his own City of Paris, denying the ResurrectionJ63 [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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