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.Descriptiongunzipgunzip decompresses files that are compressed with gzip.gzexegzexe allows you to compress executables in place and have them automatically uncompress and executewhen you run them (at a penalty in performance).Installing Gzip 67Linux From Scratchgzipgzip reduces the size of the named files using Lempel-Ziv coding (LZ77).zcatzcat uncompresses either a list of files on the command line or its standard input and writes the uncompresseddata on standard outputzcmpzcmp invokes the cmp program on compressed files.zdiffzdiff invokes the diff program on compressed files.zforcezforce forces a.gz extension on all gzip files so that gzip will not compress them twice.This can be useful forfiles with names truncated after a file transfer.zgrepzgrep invokes the grep program on compressed files.zmoreZmore is a filter which allows examination of compressed or plain text files one screenful at a time on asoft-copy terminal (similar to the more program).znewZnew recompresses files from.Z (compress) format to.gz (gzip) format.gzip 68Installing MakeInstallation of MakeInstall Make by running the following commands:root:make-3.79.1#./configure --prefix=/usr --disable-nlsroot:make-3.79.1# make LDFLAGS=-staticroot:make-3.79.1# make prefix=$LFS/usr installContentsThe Make package contains the make program.Descriptionmake determine automatically which pieces of a large program need to be recompiled, and issue thecommands to recompile them.Installing Make 69Installing SedInstallation of SedInstall Sed by running the following commands:root:sed-3.02# CPPFLAGS=-Dre_max_failures=re_max_failures2 \>./configure --prefix=/usr --disable-nlsroot:sed-3.02# make LDFLAGS=-staticroot:sed-3.02# make prefix=$LFS/usr installroot:sed-3.02# mv $LFS/usr/bin/sed $LFS/binContentsThe Sed package contains the sed program.Descriptionsed is a stream editor.A stream editor is used to perform basic text transformations on an input stream (a fileor input from a pipeline).Installing Sed 70Installing ShellutilsInstallation of ShellutilsInstall Shellutils by running the following commands:root:sh-utils-2.0#./configure --prefix=/usr --disable-nlsroot:sh-utils-2.0# make LDFLAGS=-staticroot:sh-utils-2.0# make prefix=$LFS/usr installroot:sh-utils-2.0# cd $LFS/usr/binroot:bin# mv date echo false pwd stty $LFS/binroot:bin# mv su true uname hostname $LFS/binContentsThe Shellutils package contains the basename, chroot, date, dirname, echo, env, expr, factor, false, groups,hostid, hostname, id, logname, nice, nohup, pathchk, pinky, printenv, printf, pwd, seq, sleep, stty, su, tee, test,true, tty, uname, uptime, users, who, whoami and yes programs.Descriptionbasenamebasename strips directory and suffixes from filenames.chrootchroot runs a command or interactive shell with special root directory.datedate displays the current time in a specified format, or sets the system date.dirnamedirname strips non-directory suffixes from file name.Installing Shellutils 71Linux From Scratchechoecho displays a line of text.envenv runs a program in a modified environment.exprexpr evaluates expressions.factorfactor prints the prime factors of all specified integer numbers.falsefalse always exits with a status code indicating failure.groupsgroups prints the groups a user is in.hostidhostid prints the numeric identifier (in hexadecimal) for the current host.hostnamehostname sets or prints the name of the current host systemidid prints the real and effective UIDs and GIDs of a user or the current user.echo 72Linux From Scratchlognamelogname prints the current user's login name.nicenice runs a program with modified scheduling priority.nohupnohup runs a command immune to hangups, with output to a non-ttypathchkpathchk checks whether file names are valid or portable.pinkypinky is a lightweight finger utility which retrieves information about a certain userprintenvprintenv prints all or part of the environment.printfprintf formats and print data (the same as the printf C function).pwdpwd prints the name of the current/working directoryseqseq prints numbers in a certain range with a certain increment.logname 73Linux From Scratchsleepsleep delays for a specified amount of time.sttystty changes and prints terminal line settings.susu runs a shell with substitute user and group IDsteetee reads from standard input and write to standard output and files.testtest checks file types and compares values.trueTrue always exitx with a status code indicating success.ttytty prints the file name of the terminal connected to standard input.unameuname prints system information.uptimeuptime tells how long the system has been running.sleep 74Linux From Scratchusersusers prints the user names of users currently logged in to the current host.whowho shows who is logged on.whoamiwhoami prints your effective userid.yesyes outputs a string repeatedly until killed
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