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.The more traditional job division between the husband (who worksoutside of the house) and the wife (who works inside the house) assuresthat there is little need for discussion, as both have their domain in whichthey can feel confident, efficient, and valuable.While there is no realneed to stick to such traditional job divisions between men and women,some more modern kind of job division may allow the couple to reallyenjoy their time together, rather than needing to have a practical agendato discuss every time they meet.Last but not least, by losing faith in the Divine, faith in marriage alsois lost.When we stop seeing everything as divine will, then everythingbecomes a matter of individual choice and discrimination.Then life44 THE NINE RASASpartners are ever scrutinized and easily discarded when found lacking.The only truly permanent Love is that for God and God's creation:For never-changing consciousness and ever-changing energy, for Shivaand Shakti, soul (purusba) and primordial nature (prakriti).Within thisgame of hide and seek, the pleasure lies in finding, the pain in not find-ing.When one Loves all, only pleasure remains.To fully master Love, love the drop of consciousness that is in eachand every soul and has all of the properties of the vast ocean of cosmicconsciousness.Love your and our Self, whose nature is divine and inwhich resides all divine tendencies.Nurture the Love of Self and all andLove will be yours to enjoy forever, as it was never lost, but alwaysaround as our true nature, desire, purpose, and destiny.Love SadhanaShringara Sadhana means that for a period of time you are ever tasteful,nice, sweet spoken, tender, and loving in deed, word, and thought.Thatmeans that not only must all enemy Rasas be kept out of your mind,but also that you should be completely focused on universal Love andBeauty only.This is not a matter of rationalization, but of true feeling.The siddhi or power obtained when performing Shringara Sadhanafor a prolonged period is prapti (attainment), the power to get whateverone wants.This power only comes if the sadhana is successful on thelevel of thought and if none of the enemy Rasas is felt, even for a veryshort period.A minute of Anger can eat the result of a one-year sadhana.It is generally not advisable to undertake Shringara Sadhana if you havenot yet done sadhana of the enemy Rasas (see related chapters as wellas chapter 15).You may start doing Shringara Sadhana for a day now and then, justto increase your capability to feel this Rasa.Later it can be increased toone week, one month, or even longer, so that you really come to masterShringara.To fundamentally alter not only body chemistry but also yourvery being (up to the neural patterns, energy patterns, etc.) ShringaraSadhana of a year or more will be needed.Shringara: Love 45A minor version of Shringara Sadhana is to observe cleanliness andthe aesthetic sense in your body, dress, and home at all times.Such Sad-hana may not bring any high powers, but it certainly will increase yourhappiness and the quality of your relationships with others.The true bhakti yogi performs a very pure Shringara Sadhana.Everything is God and God is Love and Beauty.If the sadhana can bemaintained, the power of prapti will emerge.Krishna: Deity of LoveEven though most Hindu deities are somehow associated with Love andBeauty, Krishna is the ruling deity of Shringara.As with every incarna-tion of Vishnu, the main purpose of the Krishna incarnation was torestore the balance of good and evil.He defeated the powerful demonKansa and many of his minions.However, another purpose was just asimportant: The creation of the religion of Love.As the story goes, the gods and high saints (rishis) complained toVishnu that even though they were continuously concentrating on himand his name or mantra, they never could experience him in the flesh.SoVishnu invited them to incarnate as the gopis or milkmaids of Vrindavanduring the time when he became Krishna.Foremost among the gopiswas Radha, the incarnation of Lakshmi, Vishnu's spouse and Krishna'sobvious favorite.It so happened and young Krishna was adored by the gopis from thetime he was a baby.The older he became, the more intense became theirrelationship.He was a divine flute-player and would play endless songsnear the Yamuna River with all the gopis and his friends listening andmany animals as well.Krishna is supposed to have been so beautiful thatanybody who looked at him completely forgot about him- or herself.He was always beautifully dressed and adorned with the feathers of apeacock, another symbol of Shringara.On one long-ago "Rasa Purnima" - a full-moon night in Septem-ber when the sky becomes clear after the rainy season and the Moonis nearest to Earth and looks very big - Krishna invited the gopis for46 THE NINE RASASwhat is called the "Rasa Leela," the play of Rasa.Under that moonlitsky, Krishna danced with the gopis and fulfilled their desire for unionwith him.In order to be able to dance with every gopi, Krishna becameas many bodies as there were gopis.The "Rasa Jatna" is an annual fes-tival that still celebrates the "sports" of Krishna with the milkmaids ofVrindavan.The adolescent or mature Rasa Leela that is often shown in art isonly a fantasy of the artists and their customers
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