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.To test all interactive functions and animation:Choose Control > Test Movie or Control > Test Scene.Flash creates a Flash Player movie (a SWF file), opens it in a separate window,and plays it with the Flash Player.The SWF file is placed into the same folderas the FLA file.To test the movie in a Web browser:Choose File > Publish Preview > HTML.See  Previewing the publishing formatand settings on page 337.Saving movie filesYou can save a Flash FLA movie file using its current name and location, or savethe document using a different name or location.You can revert to the last savedversion of a file.To save a document:1 Do one of the following:" To overwrite the current version on the disk, choose File > Save." To save the file in a different location or with a different name, chooseFile > Save As.2 If you choose the Save As command, or if the file has never been saved before,enter the file name and location.3 Click Save.To revert to the last saved version of a file:Choose File > Revert.76 Chapter 2 Using the toolboxThe tools in the toolbox let you draw, paint, select, and modify artwork, andchange the view of the Stage.The toolbox is divided into four sections:" The Tools section contains drawing, painting, and selection tools." The View section contains tools for zooming and panning in theapplication window." The Colors section contains modifiers for stroke and fill colors." The Options section displays modifiers for the selected tool, which affect thetool s painting or editing operations.For information on using the drawing and painting tools, see  Flash drawing andpainting tools on page 114.For information on using the selection tools, see Selecting objects on page 182.For information on using the view modificationtools, see  Viewing the Stage on page 102.Selecting a tool in the toolbox.displays the modifiers for that tool here.Flash Basics 77 To show or hide the toolbox:Choose Window > Tools.To select a tool, do one of the following:" Click the tool you want to use.Depending on the tool you select, a set ofmodifiers are displayed at the bottom of the toolbox." Press the tool s keyboard shortcut.Using panelsFloating panels help you view, organize, and change elements in a movie.Theoptions available on panels control the characteristics of selected elements.Panels in Flash let you work with objects, colors, text, instances, frames, scenes,and entire movies.For example, you use the Character panel for selecting typecharacter attributes, and the Frame panel for entering frame labels and choosingtweening options.To view the complete list of panels available in Flash, chooseWindow > Panels.You can show, hide, group, and resize panels as you work.You can also showand hide several panels, including the Info, Mixer, Instance, Frame, andActions panels, using buttons in the Launcher bar at the bottom of theapplication window.You can group panels together in custom arrangements, and you can save custompanel layouts.You can reset panel display to the default layout (displaying theInfo, Mixer, Character, and Instance panels to the right of the applicationwindow) or to a custom layout that you have saved previously.Most panels include a pop-up menu with additional options.The pop-up menu isindicated by a triangle in the panel s upper right corner.(If the triangle is dimmed,there is no pop-up menu for that panel.)Triangle indicatingpop-up menu78 Chapter 2 To open a panel:Choose Window > Panels and select the desired panel from the list.To close a panel, do one of the following:" Click the Close box in the upper right corner (Windows) or upper leftcorner (Macintosh)." Choose Window > Panels and select the desired panel from the list." Right-click (Windows) or Control-click (Macintosh) the panel s tab and chooseClose Panel from the context menu.To open or close panels using the Launcher bar:In the Launcher bar, click the button for the Info, Color Mixer, Character,Instance, or Actions panel.Note: You can also open or close the Library window or the Movie Explorer usingthe Launcher bar.See  Using the library on page 89 or  Using the Movie Explorer onpage 98.Info panel Library windowMixer panel Actions panelCharacter panel Movie ExplorerInstance panelTo use a panel s pop-up options menu:1 Click the triangle in the panel s upper right corner to view the menu.2 Click an item in the menu.To close all panels:Choose Window > Close All Panels.To group panels:Drag a panel by its tab onto the tab of another panel.To bring a panel within a group to the front:Click the panel s tab.To ungroup a panel into a separate window:Drag the panel by its tab to the outside of its window.Flash Basics 79 To move a panel or a panel group:Drag the panel or group by its title bar.To save a custom panel layout:Choose Window > Save Panel Layout.Enter a name for the layout and click OK.To delete a custom layout:Open the Flash 5 application folder on your hard drive and delete thePanel Sets file.To select a panel layout:1 Choose Window > Panel Sets [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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