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.conf.htaccessAuthConfigExample:LimitsOptionsDefault:FileInfoIndexesSince: Apache 1.0Papersize: (US letter)Cropmarks: (AWL repro) 112 Chapter 4: Configuring ApacheThis directive sets the list of resources for which to search when theclient requests an index of a directory by specifying a slash (  ) at theend of the URL.The filename is the ( -encoded) URL of a documenton the server relative to the requested directory.It usually contains thename of a file in the directory.If several URLs are given, the serverwill return the first one that it finds.If none of the resources exists andthe option is set, the server will generate its own listing of thedirectory.mod actionsContent Selection by Content Types and Request MethodsAction mod actionsAction to Trigger on MIME Type or Internal HandlerSyntax: action-type cgi-scripthttpd.conf.htaccessAuthConfigExample:LimitsOptionsDefault:FileInfoIndexesSince: Apache 1.1This directive defines an action that will activate the CGI script cgi-script when action-type is triggered by a HTTP request.The action-type can consist of either an internal handler name or a MIME contenttype.The URL and file path of the requested document are delivered tocgi-script via the standard SSI/CGI andenvironment variables.Script mod actionsAction to Trigger an HTTP Request MethodSyntax: method cgi-scripthttpd.conf.htaccessAuthConfigExample:LimitsOptionsDefault:FileInfoIndexesSince: Apache 1.1This directive defines an action that will activate the CGI script cgi-script when a file is requested using the HTTP method of method (ei-ther , , , or ).The URL and file path of the requesteddocument are delivered to cgi-script via the standard SSI/CGIand environment variables.Note that thedirective defines only default actions.If a CGI script, or some otherresource that is capable of handling the requested method internallyis called, then that action will be taken.Also note that willbe called with a method of only if query arguments are present(such as,   for use with HTML -style process-ing).Otherwise, the request will proceed normally.Papersize: (US letter)Cropmarks: (AWL repro) 4.3 Configuration Reference 113mod negotiationContent Selection by Best-Matching Client CapabilitiesCacheNegotiatedDocs mod negotiationAllow Caching of Content-Negotiated DocumentsSyntax:httpd.conf.htaccessAuthConfigExample:LimitsOptionsDefault:FileInfoIndexesSince: Apache 1.0This directive allows proxy servers to cache content-negotiated docu-ments.As a result, clients behind those proxies may be able to retrieveversions of the documents that are not the best match for their abili-ties.This directive applies only to requests that come from HTTP/1.0browsers.HTTP/1.1 provides much better control over the caching ofnegotiated documents, and this directive has no effect in responses toHTTP/1.1 requests.LanguagePriority mod negotiationPrecedence of Language VariantsSyntax: lang langhttpd.conf.htaccessAuthConfigExample:LimitsOptionsDefault:FileInfoIndexesSince: Apache 1.0This directive sets the precedence of language variants when the clientdoes not express a preference in handling an re-quest.The lang arguments appear in order of decreasing preference.For instance, if   is used, then a requestfor   , where   and   both exist,but the browser does not express a language preference, will return .Note that this directive has an effect only if a  bestlanguage cannot be determined by any other means.Correctly imple-mented HTTP/1.1 requests will override this directive.Papersize: (US letter)Cropmarks: (AWL repro) 114 Chapter 4: Configuring Apache4.3.6 Environment Creationmod envFixed Environment Variable CreationPassEnv mod envPass Environment Variables to SSI/CGI EnvironmentSyntax: variable variablehttpd.conf.htaccessAuthConfigExample:LimitsOptionsDefault:FileInfoIndexesSince: Apache 1.1This directive specifies one or more environment variables to pass toSSI/CGI scripts from the server s own process environment.SetEnv mod envSet an Environment Variable for SSI/CGI EnvironmentSyntax: variable valuehttpd.conf.htaccessAuthConfigExample:LimitsOptionsDefault:FileInfoIndexesSince: Apache 1.1This directive sets an environment variable (variable) to value, whichis then passed to SSI/CGI scripts.UnsetEnv mod envUnset an Environment Variable for SSI/CGI EnvironmentSyntax: variable variablehttpd.conf.htaccessAuthConfigExample:LimitsOptionsDefault:FileInfoIndexesSince: Apache 1.1This directive removes one or more environment variables from thelist of those passed to SSI/CGI scripts.mod setenvifConditional Environment Variable CreationBrowserMatch mod setenvifDefine Environment Variables Based on User-AgentSyntax: pattern var valhttpd.conf [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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