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.cpp,829-830 324-327writing XML documents,471-472Enterprise SOAP clients, NonVCLTypeInfo.h,832-834 323-324xmlcomponent.pas packagesource, 994-1004Enterprise SOAP servers, TTypeKind structure, 319830-832TXMLTransform component,tuning performance.See perfor-486TSocketConnection component, mance optimization816-818TXMLTransformClient compo-TUpdateSQL component,nent, 486TSplitter component, 139-141 405-406TXMLTransformProvider compo-TSQLClientDataSet component, TurboPower Software Companynent, 486414, 459-460 Web site, 981How can we make this index more useful? Email us at indexes@samspublishing.com 35 0672324806 Index 12/12/02 2:41 PM Page 10901090 TxxxConnection componentTxxxConnection component, updating databases variables822ApplyUpdates() function, BorlandIDEServices, 892type libraries, 670, 674-675 789-790DLL shared variablesheader file declarations, cached updates, 432declaring and initializing,676-677data-aware components, 658importing, 685-686 263-265identifying, 657-658Type Library Editor, 676 upgrades, preparing for,global variables822-824viewing, 675avoiding, 86-89URL property (TWebConnectionType Library command (Viewglobal form pointer vari-component), 813menu), 724ables, 89-92Use CLX option (DLL Wizard),Type Library Editor, 676, 724member variables, 11629typesprivate variables, 195-196Use VCL option (DLL Wizard),HDC, 226629VarLock folder, 941RGBTRIPLE, 600Usenet newsgroups, 985-986VarToInt folder, 941user customization of GUIs, 147VC++ Style DLL option (DLLWizard), 630docking, 148VCL (Visual ComponentOnDockDrop event, 152ULibrary), 14-15, 110-113, 190,OnDockOver event, 151194-195.See also componentsUnable to connect to remoteOnEndDock event,host (error message), 75building objects with,149-150112-113unavailable database (errorOnGetSiteInfo event han-message), 456C++ extensions, 116dler, 150-151Unbind() function, 728_automated, 116form backgrounds, 153underscore (_), 14, 639_classid, 117hiding/displaying controls,Understanding COM+, 711_closure, 117-118153unexpected exceptions, 98_declspec, 118-122system colors, 147-148unexpected() function, 98_fastcall, 122user interfaces.See GUIs (graph-unhandled exceptions, 98 ical user interfaces)_property, 122Unicode, 572 User_Name property_published, 122-123(TSQLConnection compo-unidirectional cursorscompared to C++ classes,nent), 456(dbExpress), 458-459113-116UserName propertyUnits menu commands (Viewmain VCL thread, 170-172(TWebConnection compo-menu), 47nent), 814nonpersistent data, 111Unlock() function, 168utilities.See toolspersistent data, 111unpublished properties,wrappers, 111195-198, 271-275VCL_MESSAGE_HANDLER tem-Up-Down Controls, 557plate, 690UpdateAppInfo() function, 503 VVCM (Video CompressionUpdateData() function, 263ValidCtrCheck() function, 135, Manager), 549266, 285UpdateRegistry() function,vector containers, 30781-782, 814-816VarArray folder, 941 35 0672324806 Index 12/12/02 2:41 PM Page 1091Web server programming 1091version property, 200 Visual Component Library.See waveOutClose() function, 622VCLversions of C++Builder, 283-287 waveOutOpen() function, 622visual componentsVideo Compression Manager waveOutPrepareHeader() func-(VCM), 549 graphics, 227-230 tion, 622View menu commands mouse messages, responding waveOutWrite() function, 622,to, 230-232 625All, 37parent classes, 225 wavGetStreamInfo() function,Debug Windows, 60621TCanvas object, 225-227None, 37wavOutUnprepareHeader()windowed components,Object Inspector, 24function, 622240-255Project Manager, 24wavPlayOpen() function, 625writing, 224, 232-240Toggle, 37weak packages, 57VMTs (Virtual Method Tables),Type Library, 724675 Web action items, 836, 847Units, 47vprintf() function, 82 Web modulesviewingvtables, 675 creating, 840-841.cpp files, 47SOAP (Simple Object AccessProtocol), 751-752 [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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