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.about bad driving before.DELIVER MAIL BEFOREHAND SET FREEdostarczać poczta przedtem uwolnićAT WHAT TIME DO THEY DELIVER THE MAIL AT YOUR HOUSE ?They deliver the.at about.IF YOU HAD TO DELIVER A SPEECH, WOULD YOU CAREFULLYPREPARE NOTES BEFOREHAND OR WOULD YOU GIVE IT "OFF THECUFF" ?/ If I had to deliver a speech, I'd.WHICH WOULD SOUND MORE NATURAL ? Delivering the speech off the cuffwould sound more naturalWHAT DO WE MEAN WHEN WE SAY "THE PRISONERS WEREDELIVERED FROM THE ENEMY" ? When we say that the prisoners were.wemean that they were set freeCRITIC krytykDO YOU THINK CRITICS SERVE A USEFUL PURPOSE ? IF SO, WHAT ?Yes, I think critics.because they.or.No, I don't think.909 DO THEY ALWAYS KNOW WHAT THEY ARE TALKING ABOUT ?/Yes, they always.or.No, they don't always.IDIOM 40HARD UP = having very little money spłukany, bez pieniędzye.g.I can't let you have any money this week: I'm very hard up.WHAT DOES THE IDIOM "HARD UP" MEAN ? The idiom."having very."GIVE ME AN EXAMPLE, PLEASE ! We were so hard up we couldn'teven buy a newspaperOPPOSITION opozycja SADLY smutnoDICTATION 77Some people find it sad/ that the steam engine/ is hardly any longer used/ on therailways these days./ Although he strongly opposed the bill,/ he knew it would be passed/all the same/ and so, after replying to the opposition,/ he returned sadly to his seat./ Theguards were given orders/ to shoot the enemy on sight./1 am an early bird,/ and so feelvery bright/ in the morning/ and dull in the evening./ Find out if he is fit/ to do the jobfirst.LESSON 138DOUBLE CONTRACTIONSOne of the reasons spoken English is difficult to understand is due not only to contr-actions but to double contractions.For example, "I would have seen him if he hadbeen there" becomes "I'd've seen him if he'd been there." - "I would have" becomes"I'd've."910 GIVE ME AN EXAMPLE OF A DOUBLE CONTRACTION.An example of adouble contraction is "He'd've gone if he'd been able to"EXPECT = TO LOOK FORWARD TO AN EVENT RELY ON /spodziewać się polegać naARE YOU EXPECTING A LETTER FROM ANYONE IN THE NEXT FEWDAYS ? Yes, I'm expecting.or.No, I'm not.DO YOU THINK A CHILD CAN BE EXPECTED TO STUDY WITHOUTBEING FORCED TO DO SO, EITHER BY HIS TEACHER OR HIS PARENTS ?/Yes, I think a child.or.No, I don't think.I EXPECT BY NOW THAT YOU UNDERSTAND EVERYTHING I SAY WITHEASE - IS THAT RIGHT ? Yes, that's right.or.No, that isn't right.CAN YOU ALWAYS BE RELIED UPON TO DO THINGS THAT YOU HAVEPROMISED SOMEONE YOU WILL DO ? Yes, I can always be relied upon to.or.No, I can't always be.911 FAST FASTEN AEROPLANE TAKEOFFumocowany umocować, zapiąć samolot wystartowaćTOUCH DOWN tu: ląduje SAFETY-BELT pas bezpieczeństwaWHAT DO WE HAVE TO DO IF WE WANT TO HOLD TWO PIECES OFWOOD FAST TOGETHER ? If we want to.we have to hammer a nail into them.etcWHAT IS THE MEANING OF THE NOTICE "FASTEN YOUR SEAT - BELTS"THAT APPEARS IN AN AEROPLANE JUST BEFORE THE PLANE TAKESOFF OR LANDS ? The meaning of the notice "Fasten your seat-belts" that appears inan aeroplane just before the plane takes off or lands is that wemust tie our safety-belts around us to hold us fast when theplane leaves the ground and when it touches downHASTEN pospieszyć HASTE pośpiechWHAT'S THE BEST WAY TO HASTEN A LAZY WORKER?/ The best way to.is to offer him more money or tell him he will lose his job.912 WHAT DOES IT MEAN: "MORE HASTE LESS SPEED" ? "More haste lessspeed" means that often if we try to do something too fast we finishby doing it much slower than if we had taken our timeGARDEN GATE = GATE OF THE GARDENELIMINATE PORTER HALL - PORTERwyeliminować portier portier holuWe can often put two nouns together in English and by doing so eliminate the need forthe words "of the".For example, "the clock face" means "the face of the clock".GIVE ME THREE EXAMPLES OF PUTTING TWO NOUNS TOGETHER AND SOELIMINATING THE WORDS "OF THE" / "Hall-porter" meaning "the porter ofthe hall"."Book cover" meaning "the cover of the book"."Table top" meaning "the top of the table"OVERNIGHT przez nocIF YOU WERE EVER TO BECOME VERY RICH AND FAMOUS, WOULD YOUPREFER IT TO HAPPEN OVERNIGHT OR LITTLE BY LITTLE? If ever Iwere to become.I'd prefer it to.913 MERE zwykły, normalnyIS THERE ANY JOB YOU COULD THINK OF THAT YOU WOULD LIKE TODO, NOT FOR MONEY, BUT FOR THE MERE HONOUR THAT GOES WITHTHE JOB ? Yes, there's a job I can think of that I'd like.or.No, there isn't any job I can.WHICH JOB ?/NUISANCE utrapienieWHAT DO YOU THINK'S THE BEST THING TO SAY TO PEOPLE, OR DOWITH PEOPLE, WHO MAKE THEMSELVES A NUISANCE ? I thinkthe best.is to.POST DOORPOST GOAL DIG "DUG-DUG POSTAGEsłup słup od drzwi bramka kopać opłata pocztowaWHAT ARE THESE ? These are doorpostsWHAT DO WE HAVE TO DO WHEN WE WANT TO PUT POSTS IN THEGROUND TO MAKE THE GOALS FOR A GAME OF FOOTBALL ORRUGBY ?/ When we want to put posts in the ground to make the.we must dig fairly deep holes in the groundABOUT HOW LONG DO YOU THINK IT TAKES TO REACH THE POST OFBANK MANAGER IF YOU START RIGHT FROM THE BOTTOM ?I think it takes about.years to reach the.914 HOW MUCH IS THE POSTAGE FOR A LETTER FROM YOUR COUNTRYTO ENGLAND ?/ The postage for a letter from.is.PUNISH karaćHOW'D YOU PUNISH A PUPIL WHO WAS LACKING IN DISCIPLINE ?I'd punish a pupil who was lacking in discipline by.FOLD składaćWHAT AM I DOING? You're folding a page of your bookNATIVE pochodzący z COLONIALISM kolonializmA native is a person born in a certain country or place.For example, "I'm a nativeof.".WHAT'S A NATIVE ?/ A native is a person born in a certain country or placeTREASURE skarbIS THERE STILL ANY LOST TREASURE IN THE WORLD? Yes, there's still.especially at the bottom of the sea where treasureships sank during storms in the old days915 RECEIPT2300 rachunek PROVE udowodnićWHY DOES ONE ASK FOR A RECEIPT TO BE SIGNED WHEN ONEDELIVERS GOODS ?/ One asks for a receipt to be signed when.in orderto prove that they have, in fact, been deliveredIDIOM 41TELL OFF = to speak angrily to someone for doing something wrong skarciće.g
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