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.their clothes are in danger of splitting openWHAT DO WE USE TO SPLIT WOOD ? We use an axe to split woodPRESENT (adj) PRESENT (v) PRESENT (n)obecny dać prezent, zaprezentować się prezentRETIRE odejść na emeryturęThe word "present" is an adjective, and means., whilst the word "present" is averb, and means., or a noun meaning.DO YOU THINK THAT THE PRESENT STATE OF THE WORLD IS BETTERTHAN IT WAS A FEW YEARS AGO? Yes, I think that.or.No, I don't think.WHY OR WHY NOT?/WERE ALL THE PUPILS PRESENT FOR THE LAST LESSON ? Yes, Ithink that.or.No, I don't think.787 WHEN A MAN RETIRES FROM WORK AFTER 30 YEARS OF EMPLOYMENTIN THE SAME COMPANY, WHAT KIND OF GIFT IS HE USUALLYPRESENTED WITH?/ When a man retires from.the kind of gift he isusually presented with is a gold watch or a.HOW DO YOU FEEL WHEN YOU HAVE TO PRESENT YOURSELF FORAN EXAMINATION ? When I have to present.I feel very worriedWHAT WOULD YOU CONSIDER THE BEST PRESENT THAT ONE COULDGIVE YOU ? I'd consider a.to be the best present. NEGATIVE OF "MUST " OBLIGATION obowiązek, powinnośćSometimes the negative of "must" is not "must not" but "need not" or "do not haveto", because "must not" expresses an obligation not to do something, whereas "neednot" or "do not have to" express a freedom of choice.For example:- "You must not come here tomorrow" - means that you will be doing thewrong thing if you come here tomorrow; whereas "You need not come heretomorrow" - means that you can choose whether you want to come or not, because itis not necessary./788 Consequently, the negative answer to the question "Must I read this book in preparation for my exam ?" is "No, you needn't" or "No, you don't have to".WHAT ARE THE TWO NEGATIVES OF "MUST" ? The two.are "must not"or "need not" (or "do not have to")WHAT'S THE DIFFERENCE IN MEANING BETWEEN THE TWO?The difference in.is that "must not" expresses an obligationnot to do something."need not" (or "do nothave to") express a freedom of choiceGIVE ME AN EXAMPLE OF EACH, PLEASE ! / They must not give him any moremoney - and - They need not give him any more moneyWHAT, THEREFORE, IS THE NEGATIVE ANSWER TO THIS QUESTION ? -"MUST WE TELL HIM WHEN WE WANT TO GO HOME?" No, you needn'tCURSE kląć, przekleństwo, klątwaWHAT KIND OF THINGS MAKE PEOPLE CURSE? The kind of things thatmake people curse are anger at things that go wrong.DO YOU BELIEVE ITS POSSIBLE TO LAY A CURSE UPON A PERSON,SO THAT HE SUFFERS FROM ILLNESS, HAS BAD LUCK AND PERHAPSEVEN DIES ?/ Yes, I believe it's possible to.or.No, I don't believe it's.789 IDLE próżny, bezrobotny, leniwy LAZY leniwyGenerally speaking, the difference between "idle" and "lazy" is that "idle" means"not working", whilst "lazy" means "not wanting to work". WHAT'S THE DIFFERENCE BETWEEN "IDLE" AND "LAZY" ? The difference."idle" means "not working"."lazy" means "not wanting to work"WHAT DO I MEAN WHEN I SAY "THE MEN AT THE FACTORYWERE ALL IDLE" ? / When you say "The men." you mean they were not working,because perhaps there was no work for them to doAND WHAT DO I MEAN WHEN I SAY "THE MEN AT THE FACTORYWERE ALL LAZY" ? When you say "The." you mean they did not want towork, even though there was plenty of work for them to doSometimes we can use the word "idle" in place of the word "lazy", but we can't usethe word "lazy" in place of the word "idle".We can say, for example, "He's too idleto clean his shoes", but we can't say "The machine had stood lazy for months."/90 CAN WE SOMETIMES USE THE WORD "IDLE" IN PLACE OF THE WORD"LAZY", AND VICE VERSA? Yes, we can sometimes use the word.but not vice versaGIVE ME AN EXAMPLE, PLEASE ! My brother is so idle, he won't clean hisshoes unless it is really essentialPLAY sztukaWHAT DOES THE FIRST SCENE OF A PLAY USUALLY DO ?/ The firstscene of a play usually tells us what the play is going to be about.VERSE wers, zwrotkaARE SHAKESPEARE'S PLAYS WRITTEN MAINLY IN VERSE ?Yes, Shakespeare's plays are written mainly in versePRAY prosić, modlić się PRAYER modlitwaHOW DO PEOPLE PRAY, AND WHAT DO THEY USUALLY SAY IN THEIRPRAYERS ? People pray with their eyes closed and their hands together,and usually ask for something in their prayersCOMBINE łączyć, jednoczyć TYPE typ, rodzajWOULD YOU LIKE TO DO THE TYPE OF JOB THAT COMBINES WORKWITH PLEASURE ?/ Yes, I'd like to do.or.No, I wouldn't.IMAGINE wyobrażać sobie 791 HOW DO YOU IMAGINE THE WORLD TO BE IN A THOUSAND YEARS'TIME ? I imagine the world in a thousand years' time to be.(a muchbetter place than it is now, with far fewer poor people.)IDIOM 26IN ONE EAR AND OUT THE OTHER = does not listenwpaść jednym uchem, drugim wylecieće.g.There's no use telling him anything, it just goes in one ear and out the other.WHAT DOES THE IDIOM "IN ONE EAR AND OUT THE OTHER"MEAN ? The idiom."does not listen"GIVE ME AN EXAMPLE, PLEASE ! I've told him a hundred times not to goout without his coat on, but what I say just goes in one ear and out the otherDICTATION 66One side of a coin/we call the head side,/whilst the other side/ we call the tail side./Quite by accident,/ he knocked the glass of water/ off the table/ onto the floor./ Althoughhe smiles broadly,/ his lips seldom part/ and show his teeth./ The poor bird/could hardlyfly,/ as one of its wings/ was badly damaged./ Before the battle began,/ it was expectedthat many of the sailors/ would fail to do their duty [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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