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. Is that the attitude you want to takewith your alpha?Brandt ran a hand through his hair and sighed. No.The truth is I don tknow if I m going to be allowed to have Tyr here for as long as we retogether. Why is that?He d rather get back to discussing Corey s love life rather than hisown right then. Because he s a shifter& uh& not a fenrir of course. And that s a problem how since he s male and not your mate?Brandt paced. He can be very useful to us.He s a healer.A real livehealer.When I crushed my arm in the car accident, he used his abilities tofix my arm in one night.It was unbelievable Brandt!He stopped moving.Anger and frustration made him want to lash out,to tell Corey to fuck off.He would take Tyr if he wanted whether Coreyliked it or not.Especially since Corey stole his girl.Not that he d had sexregularly with Corrin or that they d declared anything more serious toeach other.The principle was what mattered. He s a cat shifter, he blurted.Corey s eyes widened, and then he sneered in disgust. Like a pet? No! He couldn t have thought of a panther or a leopard? Why wouldhis mind go straight to something domestic and tiny?The door opened, and Devin walked in. What did I miss?Brandt glared at him.Did his lips look at bit redder like he d beenkissing? He didn t care if Devin was his alpha, he d kick his ass if he laidone hand on Tyr.Devin seemed to guess his thoughts and moved in closer,amusement and a challenge in his eyes. Think you can take me? he teased. He s mine, Brandt told him.He eyed Corey. He s got Corrin, sonow you have to try for my lover?That wiped the smile off Devin s face.His brows crashed low over hiseyes, and he growled in anger.Corey approached them. That s enough.32Heal My Wolf Eden ColeWe ll talk about Tyr later, Brandt.Meanwhile, keephis& ability& between us.He laid a hand on Devin s chest, and to Brandt s surprise, Devinshoved it away.That shook him.The strongest relationship in the entirepack was clearly on the rocks and didn t bode well for the rest of them.Before they started up their argument again, Brandt left.The interview hadgone well if only because Corey was distracted with his own problems.He took the path toward his cabin but then turned toward thecommunity building instead.News of what had been happening before heleft would be good to know.Inside the building an area had been set asidefor lounging around to watch television, another room for sparring, andthe biggest area used as a dining room.Brandt chose the lounging roomand found Blaine, the second in charge, and a few others.When Blaine spotted him he stood and stretched his hand out. Hey,Brandt, so you re back.Heard you brought someone with you.He shifted uncomfortably but took the offered hand. Yeah, I did.Several pairs of eyes watched him as if they expected him to expound,but he just took a seat and put his feet up.One of the men offered him abeer, and he took it with a muttered thanks. Just came in to see what s the latest. He peered at Blaine not surehow much the man would share.He and Corey were best friends, butBlaine tended to be the go-between when Corey was unapproachable.He d calmed their fears on many occasions. I was in with Corey andDevin a few minutes ago, and it looks like there are problems at the top.Should we be concerned?Blaine s eyes darkened, and he compressed his lips.When theywaited, he sighed and wiped a hand over his face.Not until he d drainedhis beer did he speak. Look, I m sure it s all around the homestead bynow that Corey and Devin are having issues.They decided it would bebest for all of us if Corey produced offspring.Corrin was chosen.The other guys looked at Brandt with sympathy, confirming hissuspicion that everyone knew he d had his eye on her for himself.Heshifted under their gazes. I had no claim on her.33Heal My Wolf Eden Cole You said they decided, one of the guys piped up. Did Devinagree? Devin and Corey are always in agreement, Blaine snapped.Whichof course wasn t true, or they wouldn t be having this conversation.Blainewent on ignoring the obvious
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