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.There is a visible flash which attracts the eye, but the restof the movement is created by the viewer s mind.This is the mind scapacity to interpret and generalize based on the information is it given.It is a powerful, automatic function. Manchurian Candidate is a mentalism correlate of this same functionof the mind.Methods:1.Pre-show impression device (of any kind)2.Powerful psychological manipulationBasically the method is the psychology behind saying the words, not the particularwords themselves.By giving them something to see (in this case, saying Manchurian Candidate 65three words that have no justification), they have to interpret youractions.This creates a feeling of anticipation and mystery.However,the reasons are different for the participant and the audience.The participant:First you will ask him to relax and take several deep breaths and tellthem that you will count backwards from ten.Once you have countedbackwards, you will say the three words and then tell him to forgetthem.Instead, this will cause them to think about the words; it is anembedded command.The reason why you would say these three particularwords is driving them crazy (with curiosity).There is a psychologicaltension created by asking them to forget and then giving no reason forsaying those three words.For the participant, this tension will feel thatyou have entered their mind by some hidden passage.It will unnervethem a little.This is what we want.Finally, you will explain to them thatwhen you say those three words again, that same picture will appear intheir mind.You now tell them to forget all of this for now.However,they cannot because they will long for a resolution that makes sense ofwhat has transpired.This builds a great anticipation and impact, in themind of the participant.When they are in front of the audience andyou speak those words, that picture will appear in their minds.Why?Because you said it would.It cannot, not happen (the double negativewas intentional).Definition is creation.You have controlled their thoughts,and as a result their mind.You scare me.The audience:For them, they see that you have spoken a few words and a picture hasappeared in the participants mind.This is true.This is the reason whythe routine is entitled,  Manchurian Candidate.As in the movie, inwhich a word is spoken, and now the person s mind in now under thecontrol of another, so it is with this routine.The helper s subconsciousmind awaits the figurative button to be pushed to create the desiredresult.Strangely, this is really what is happening, but the result ofstating those words (for both the participant and the audience) is the 66 Contemplationsemotional and psychological states we want to provoke.In this sense,the picture is inconsequential.The emotional anticipation and thepsychological tension is the focus of our effort.We are forcing themto care about the routine.They are heavily invested.The picture itself:Nothing could be simpler.As stated before, this is just the use of anyimpression device.Have them draw the picture.Then go somewhereand view the picture (captured by the impression device) and copy it.It is wise to change some of the positions or details of some of theitems or things pictured.No-brainer.Just keep this on a poster board,or a dry erase board until performing the routine.That s it.Filigree:Keep the effect in mind: you are demonstrating mind control and influence.This is not a drawing duplication.This is an important distinction.This notion must be clear to you or speaking the three words makesno sense.I hope you have surmised that it doesn t matter what those three wordsare.If it is some kind of call-back (a reoccurring message or theme),that is certainly fine.The point is the action of speaking the words,not the words themselves.If the picture actually has some correlation,then you are in the bonus round.If you can deduce a connection, askthem if they can figure out how those words affected them.This justadds reality to the premise, but it is by no means necessary.This routine provokes an unsettling tension.This is great.If you donot try to make connections between the words and the drawing, thatsense of mystery and intrigue will endure.I have been asked about thisafter the show.It still lingers.This fact itself can be a great call-back.Just randomly look at the helper throughout the show and say thosethree words.Now everyone has that picture (whatever it was) poppingup in their heads.Toy with them.This will constantly communicatethat you are having fun, but you can tamper with their minds. Manchurian Candidate 67That last phrase is exactly how this routine emerged.I have a sadisticthrill of creating that playfully disconcerting state, which this routineinvokes.I actually was getting a pre-show drawing from someone, for astandard design duplication, and I just blurted out some words to messwith the young lady s mind.I knew she would feel that I was trying toinfluence her, by speaking some words that didn t seem to have anyrelevance.I enjoyed the result, I think you will too.This routine is thelogical extension of that idea [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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