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.musclegaintips.com 247From the Desk of A n t h o n y E l l i s AppendixBody Statistics SheetEvery 2 weeks, take your body measurements.Be as consistent as possible.Try to do this at the same time and day each time, also making sure that you have the same person helpyou each time.I say this because no method of body fat measurement is totally accurate.They all have a margin of error, but if you use the same equipment and use the sameperson to do it each time, you will have a consistent record to judge your progress.Also be aware that water retention and ingestion of food can fluctuate reading, so don t eat before,and record your statistics before you workout.To get your body fat percentage, measure all the sites listed below and use the calculations I provide.WEEKStart 2 4 6 8 10 12WeightTape MeasurementsChestWaistHipsShouldersRight BicepNeckRight CalveUpper thighSkin fold measurements (in millimeters)Pectoral/Chest (men only)Right TricepRight BicepSuprailiac ( 1 inch above right Hipbone)Lower backSubscapular (Back)Umbilicus (Stomach)Right CalveThighTotal skinfold measurementsDivide total skinfold by your weight (skinfold/weight)Percent fat:% % % % % % %Men: Multiply result by 28% % % % % % %Women: Multiply result by 30Pounds of fat (multiply weight by percentage, divide by 100)Pounds of muscle (subtract pounds of fat from weight)©Cutting Edge Publishing 1999, 2000 All rights reserved www.musclegaintips.com 248From the Desk of A n t h o n y E l l i s AppendixBody Statistics SheetEvery week, take your body measurements.Be as consistent as possible.Try to do this at the same time and day each week, also making sure that you have the same person helpyou each week.I say this because no method of body fat measurement is totally accurate.They all have a margin of error, but if you use the same equipment and use the sameperson to do it each week, you will have a consistent record to judge your progress.Also be aware that water retention and ingestion of food can fluctuate reading, so don t eat before,and record your statistics before you workout.To get your body fat percentage, measure all the sites listed below and use the calculations I provide.WEEKStart 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12WeightTape MeasurementsChestWaistHipsShouldersRight BicepNeckRight CalveUpper thighSkin fold measurements (in millimeters)Pectoral/Chest (men only)Right TricepRight BicepSuprailiac ( 1 inch above right Hipbone)Lower backSubscapular (Back)Umbilicus (Stomach)Right CalveThighTotal skinfold measurementsDivide total skinfold by your weight (skinfold/weight)Percent fat:% % % % % % % % % % % % %Men: Multiply result by 28% % % % % % % % % % % % %Women: Multiply result by 30Pounds of fat (multiply weight by percentage, divide by 100)Pounds of muscle (subtract pounds of fat from weight)©Cutting Edge Publishing 1999, 2000 All rights reserved www.musclegaintips.com 249
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