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.ÿþ(n.11); and maintenance, 274; regarding North Farnham Parish (Richmond), 139,private property, 274, 446 (nn.12, 13); and 264 65, 360 (n.65)neglect of duty, 274, 446 (n.15); and swear- Northumberland County, 221, 245, 247, 267,ing, 275 76, 446 (n.18), 446 (n.19), 447 279, 366 (n.44), 435 (n.26), 448 (n.38)(nn.20, 21, 31); and drunkenness, 276, 447 Nottoway Parish (Amelia), 2, 9, 201, 345 (n.36)(nn.32, 33, ); and ordinary keepers, 276 77; Nottoway Parish (Isle of Wight/Southamp-and gambling, 277, 448 (n.40); and sexual ton), 24, 68, 345 (n.37)offenses, 277 78, 448 (nn.41, 46); and dis-turbing Sabbath, 278 79, 448 (n.47), 449 Oaths, 195, 344 (n.16), 347 (n.53)(nn.51, 53, 56); and relation to social rank, Ogilvie, James, 316, 351 (n.10)280 81; and fortune telling, 448 (n.38).See Orange County, 95, 247, 337 (n.14), 375 (n.47)also Grand jury; Society Ordinaries (taverns), 276 77, 447 (n.36).See alsoMoreau, Nicholas, 94, 98, 315 Grand jury; Moral codeMorning Prayer (Matins).See Divine Service Ordination, 383 (n.48), 384 (n.63); preparationMorton, Andrew, 109, 316, 455 (n.39) for, 112 13, 382 (n.39); and requirements forMossom, David, 111, 162, 202, 316, 352 (n.14) deacons and priests, 113 16; and ocean voy-Muhlenberg, Henry Melchior, 101, 378 (n.93), age, 116 17, 383 (nn.49, 51); and examination,454 (n.29) 117 18, 384 (n.62); bishop s role in, 117 20,Muhlenberg, John Peter Gabriel, 101 2, 104, 316, 384 (nn.55, 57); as ritual, 118 20; and short378 (n.93) interval between deacon s orders and priest sMurdoch, George, 111, 316 orders, 120 21, 385 (n.74)Organ, 66, 361 (nn.67, 69)Nairn, William, 162, 316 Ormesby, John, 316, 416 (n.9)Nansemond County, 401 (n.45), 453 (n.24) Outdoor relief.See WelfareNash, Gary, 241 Overwharton Parish (Stafford), 19, 62, 65, 159,Native Americans, 433 (n.7) 172, 283Nelson, Joshua, 316 Owen, Goronwy, 90 91, 143, 148, 316Nelson, Thomas, 252, 401 (n.50) Oxford University, 91, 103, 107 8, 112, 114, 164,Nevison, John, 126, 316, 387 (n.23) 165, 168, 380 (n.7), 382 (n.33), 406 (n.45)Newport Parish (Isle of Wight), 24, 39, 89, 109,126, 282, 353 (n.30), 446 (n.15) Page, Robert, 448 (n.40)Nicholas, Anne Cary, 253 54 Paintings, 360 (n.61)Nicholas, Robert Carter, 266, 268, 270, 271, 443 Palmer, Sarah Matthews Kendall, 394 (n.39)(n.46), 444 (nn.53, 58) Parishes: inclusivity of, 3, 19 20; number of, 3,Nicholson, Francis (lieutenant governor): 20; flexibility of, 3, 20 25; multicongrega-and parish reorganization, 22 23; proposes tional, 3, 25 30, 340 (n.43); gentry layworkhouses, 80; responds to alleged clergy control of, 3, 30 32, 341 (nn.51, 52); defini-misconduct, 161; as patron and benefactor of tion and function of, 17, 336 (n.3); formationAnglican church, 339 (nn.26, 27, 28, 29); and of, 17 32, 336 (nn.4, 5); open ended, 19 20,Lucy Burwell affair, 376 (n.66); and alleged 337 (nn.9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14); size of, 21, 25, 338influence with SPG, 386 (n.10); and selec- (n.21); and relation to population, 21, 338tion of Bruton Parish parson, 388 (n.37); (n.20); riverine origins of, 21 24, 339 (n.25);supports African American ministry, 440 Nicholson reforms, 22; dissolution and re-(n.3); and moral code enforcement, 450 alignment of, 23 25, 338 (n.16), 340 (n.38);(n.66) creative adaptation of, 30; and provisionsNicolson, William (bishop), 383 (n.54), 429 for parsons, 48 56; and provisions for wor-(n.107) ship, 57 69; and welfare provisions, 70 84;Norfolk, 79, 93, 138, 232, 369 (n.86), 395 (n.44) in western Europe, 334 (n.2); and parsonsNorfolk County, 442 (n.17), 453 (n.21) occupancy rate, 387 (nn.24, 25); as basis ofNorthampton County, 246, 277, 278, 373 community, 458 (nn.11, 13, 17)(n.22), 433 (n.7), 436 (n.33), 450 (n.73) Parsons: and salary, 48 50; and glebes, 50 56;North Carolina: vestry in, 344 (n.13) from England, 87 90; from Wales, 90Northey, Edward, 343 (n.10) 91; from Scotland, 91 96; property of, in.472 index [ Pobierz caÅ‚ość w formacie PDF ]

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