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.100, 2½ Car To/From the Airports The local bus system is confusing, withhours) and change.Listed are some of the more reliable car- Queen Alia International Airport is 35km nothing labelled in English.Buses 26, 27,Buses and minibuses also leave regularly rental agencies.Most take major credit cards south of the city.The Airport Express bus (Map 28, 41 and 43 can be useful for getting tofor Madaba (350 fils, 1 hour) but it s more and offer cars no more than three years old.p68; 022006; 4451531) runs between the downtown.If bus travel is your thing, askx0880convenient to catch one from Abdali or Ra- Read p265 before hiring a car.Most com- airport and the upper end of Abdali station, around the bus section of Raghadan stationghadan station.panies have an office at Abdullah Gardens passing through the 4th, 5th, 6th and 7th to see what s headed your way, but you llThere are semiregular service taxis to (Map p85 ), where there is a collection of Circles en route.Buses (JD1.500, 45 min- need patience and decent Arabic.Tickets costKarak (JD1.400, two hours), Ma an (JD1.200, around 50 car-rental companies, allowing utes) run every half-hour or so between 7am around 50 fils.three hours) and also infrequently to Aqaba you to shop around and compare prices.and midnight.From the airport, buses depart For 7th circle, take bus 41 or anything(JD5, four hours).Charges, conditions and insurance costs from outside the arrivals hall of Terminal 2.headed to Wadi as-Seer.(and waiver fees in case of accident) can Buy your ticket from the booth at the door.Muhajireen Bus Station vary considerably; most don t include 16% The last buses to the airport leave at 10pm TAXIIf you want to go to the Dead Sea, mini- tax.The smaller companies offer compact and midnight; the first bus leaves at 6am.Private Taxibuses leave from the small minibus station cars for as low as JD15 per day but aren t as With the impending scaling down of the Most drivers of private taxis use the meteropposite the Muhajireen Police Station (the reliable as the bigger players listed here: Abdali bus station, the service could shift as a matter of course, but gently remindcorner of Al-Ameerah Basma bin Talal Rd Avis (Map p85;x5699420, 24hr 777-397405; wwwand Ali bin Abi Taleb Rd; see Map p68).You.avis.com.jo; King Abdullah Gardens) Branches at theAMMAN S TAXISmay find a local bus direct to Suweimah (600 airport, Hotel Le Royal and Hotel InterContinental.DailyOn any given day, Jordan s capital is home to an estimated 16,000 yellow taxis and counting.fils) or even Amman Beach; if not you ll have rate from JD30.Free drop off at King Hussein Bridge or theOne will never be far away and they often find you before you find them  hopeful honking atto go to Shuneh al-Janubiyyeh (South Shuna; airport; elsewhere JD25.tourists in case they missed the obvious is a favourite pastime.Although Amman inducted its500 fils, 45 minutes) and change for Suwei- Budget (Map p85; x5698131; budget@go.com.jo;first female taxi driver in 1997, all the others are male.Most drivers are fast and friendly, oftenmah, from where you ll have to hitch.125 Abdul Hameed Sharaf St) Charges from JD25 per daymore interested in finding out where you re from than keeping an eye on the road.Minibuses leave frequently from the including unlimited kilometres and theft insurance.Making the effort to talk with them is illuminating, shedding light on the latest citywide gossipsame station for Wadi as-Seer (130 fils, 30 Eagle Rent-a-Car (Map p85; x5693399, 24hr x079or scandal, to their take on the problems of the Middle East (many are Palestinians with storiesminutes).5546021; eaglerentacar@wanadoo.jo; Abdul Hameed Sharafto tell).Most work very hard for their money.A good day can yield JD35 (before overheads) inSt) Rates start from JD25 per day with unlimited kilometres,winter, and double that in summer.A bad day will bring as little as JD15  not much for up toPRIVATE COACHES plus JD7 Collision Damage Waiver (CDW) per day.15 hours work.The domestic JETT office (Map p85; x5664146; Al- Europcar (Map p85; x5655581; Isam Al-Ajlouni St;Malek al-Hussein St, Shmeisani) is about 500m north- www.europcar.jo) Branches at Radisson SAS and AbdullahA M M A NAMMAN 102 AROUND AMMAN " " Kan Zeman www.l onel ypl anet.com www.l onel ypl anet.com AROUND AMMAN " " Wadi as-Seer & Iraq al -Ami r 103Around Ammanto the east.Spring (particularly April and and store chaff.Steps lead up to the cavesSERVICE TAXI ROUTESMay) is the best time to visit, when black from the paved road; opposite is the villageAll departure points are listed on the Map p82.iris (the Jordanian national flower) and of Iraq al-Amir and the Iraq al-Amir Handi-Service taxi 1 From Basman St for 4th Circle.other colourful flowers are plentiful.craft Village (hclosed Fri), which has a smallService taxi 2 From Basman St for 1st and 2nd Circles.Wadi as-Seer is a largely Circassian vil- weaving centre supporting 61 women whoService taxi 3 From Basman St for 3rd and 4th Circles.lage, and now virtually part of sprawling produce pottery, fabrics, foodstuffs, carpetsService taxi 4 From the side street near the central post office for Jebel Weibdeh.western Amman.About 10km down the and paper products.Service taxi 6 From Cinema al-Hussein St for the Ministry of the Interior Circle, past Abdali station and JETT lovely valley is the village of Iraq al-Amir About 700m further down the road, justinternational and domestic offices.with its castle and caves.Along the way visible from the caves, is the small but im-Service taxi 7 From Cinema al-Hussein St, up Al-Malek al-Hussein St, past Abdali station and King Abdullah (about 4km past Wadi as-Seer), and next to pressive Qasr Iraq al-Amir (admission free; hday-Mosque, and along Suleiman al-Nabulsi St for Shmeisani.the sleepy Al-Yanabeea Restaurant, is part light hr), also known as the Qasr al-AbadService taxis 25 & 26 From Italian St, downtown, to the top of Jebel al-Ashrafiyeh and near Abu Darwish Mosque.of an ancient Roman aqueduct on the right.(Palace of the Slave).Mystery surroundsService taxi 27 From Italian St to Middle East Circle for Wahadat station.Shortly after, look up to the hillside on the its construction, and even its precise age,Service taxi 35 From opposite the Amman Palace Hotel, passing close to the Muhajireen Police Station.left to a façade cut into the rock, known as but most scholars believe that Hyrcanus,Service taxi 38 From downtown to Makkah al-Mukarramah Rd [ Pobierz caÅ‚ość w formacie PDF ]

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