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.In fact, he didn t know why they hadn t killedhim already.He should get his ass out of town now and forget he ever metthese people.There was one problem with that decision.Two actually.Hewas no coward, and Kyle deserved better than that. Yeah, I ll be here when you get back.29Reluctant Mate 2 Eden ColeChapter FourCam slipped into his clothes after Mato left.He walked over to thedoor and listened at the panels.No sounds reached him.Somewhere in thenear distance, a car started and drove off.So they hadn t run on all fours towhatever meeting they were going to.He didn t know why he felt likethey were so wild modern conveniences like the car weren t used.After allthey lived in a mansion, a nice one at that, and they weren t hurting forcash.Someone, he assumed Mato, had brought his car to the house afterhe d passed out his first night here.He opened the door and stepped into the hall.Again, he stopped tolisten.He d learned that Lucas had kids, brothers and sisters of Mato swhom he raised.However, none were in the house.The nanny had takenthem away on a trip.Lucas had been vague about it, and Mato didn t shedmuch more light.When Cam asked, Mato had simply said the familyneeded to take care of a few matters, and the kids didn t need to be aroundfor it.That was one more clue that he might be skating on thin ice here.Better to find some proof of what happened to his brother before his timeran out.Cam first tried all the doors on the floor where he was.Most of themwere locked.The ones that weren t were empty, and one was Mato s.Assoon as he opened that door, the man s scent assailed him.A powerfullonging came over him, and he wished with everything inside him thatMato was there or that he was wherever Mato was.He banged the palm ofhis hand against his forehead. Snap out of it.You ve got a job to do.He sucked in a deep breath and got moving again.A preliminarysearch of Mato s room didn t produce much.If he really wanted answers,he d go through Lucas s stuff.But of all the skills he d acquired over theyears, lock picking wasn t one of them.The first floor was no better.He d seen Lucas disappear into aparticular room, and from a glance beyond, he guessed it was his office,but that door too was locked.Cam swore.Almost as if they expected himto snoop.At the back of the mansion, he came to the last door to check30Reluctant Mate 2 Eden Colebefore he had to abandon his search.To his relief, the knob gave when heturned it, but from the moment he opened the door, pain constricted hischest.The scent coming up from the deepest, darkest recesses wasunmistakably blood Kyle s blood.Cam felt around on the wall for the light switch.For some reason hisnight vision had turned off.He put it down to the emotions that almostclouded his reason.Stairs led downward, and he descended them.On thelevel below, he was met with cement floors and rocky walls.Boxes linedthe space, all neatly stacked and labeled.Cam skipped checking them out,led by his brother s blood, which had intensified.He moved with cautionfarther into the basement, past wine racks that were filled with bottles.None had collected any dust, and he wondered if a servant kept them cleanor if they were new.Those too he passed, and then he saw it.A cage withmetal bars and a sturdy lock.The door lay open, and beyond it was just asquare of concrete for a floor with chains and cuffs hanging from the backwall.Even if he didn t have the wolf abilities, he could identify the darkstains on the cuffs and on the bars.The scent was so strong, it burned hisnose, but the worse part was finding out what they had done to his brother.Cam s eyes burned.He d fucked that bastard that had been a part of it.He d eaten at the same table, just above this prison.Had they fed on him?No! He closed his eyes and sank to the ground.He couldn t think like thator he d go insane.Cam didn t know how long he d sat there struggling between despairand rage, but apparently he d lost track of time
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