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.Alt-click or Option-click in it again to turn off outline display for all layers.202 Chapter 8 To change a layer s outline color:1 Do one of the following:" Double-click the layer s icon (the icon to the left of the layer name) in theTimeline." Right-click(Windows) or Control-click (Macintosh) the layer name and chooseProperties from the context menu." Select the layer in the Timeline and choose Modify > Layer.2 In the Layer Properties dialog box, click the Outline Color color box and selecta new color, enter the hexadecimal value for a color, or click the Color Pickerbutton and choose a color.3 Click OK.To change layer height in the Timeline:1 Do one of the following:" Double-click the layer s icon (the icon to the left of the layer name) in theTimeline." Right-click(Windows) or Control-click (Macintosh) the layer name and chooseProperties from the context menu." Select the layer in the Timeline and choose Modify > Layer.2 In the Layer Properties dialog box, choose an option for Layer Height andclick OK.To change the number of layers displayed in the Timeline:Drag the bar that separates the Timeline from the Stage area.Using Layers 203 Editing layersTo draw, paint, or otherwise modify a layer, you select the layer to make it active.A pencil icon next to a layer s name indicates that the layer is active.Only onelayer can be active at one time (although more than one layer can be selected atone time).You can rename, copy, and delete layers.You can lock layers to preventthem from being edited, and you can change the order of layers.By default, new layers are named by the order in which they are created: Layer 1,Layer 2, and so on.You can rename layers to better reflect their contents.You can hide layers or display layer contents as outlines while editing other layers,to keep the work area uncluttered.See  Viewing layers on page 202.Hidden layerObjects on layer displayedas outlinesActive layerLocked layerTo select a layer, do one of the following:" Click the layer s name in the Timeline." Click a frame in the Timeline of the layer you want to select." Select an object on the Stage that is located on the layer you want to select.To select two or more layers, do one of the following:" To select contiguous layers, Shift-click layer names in the Timeline." To select discontiguous layers, Control-click (Windows) or Command-click(Macintosh) layer names in the Timeline.To rename a layer, do one of the following:" Double-click the layer name and enter a new name." Right-click (Windows) or Control-click (Macintosh) the layer name andchoose Properties from the context menu.Enter the new name in the Nametext box and click OK." Select the layer in the Timeline and choose Modify > Layer.In the LayerProperties dialog box, enter the new name in the Name text box and click OK.204 Chapter 8 To copy a layer:1 Click the layer name to select the entire layer.2 Choose Edit > Copy Frames.3 Click the Add Layer button to create a new layer.4 Click the new layer and choose Edit > Paste Frames.To delete a layer:1 Select the layer.2 Do one of the following:" Click the Delete Layer button in the Timeline." Drag the layer to the Delete Layer button." Right-click (Windows) or Control-click (Macintosh) the layer name andchoose Delete Layer from the context menu.To lock or unlock one or more layers, do one of the following:" Click in the Lock column to the right of a layer s name to lock that layer.Clickin the Lock column again to unlock the layer." Click the padlock icon to lock all layers.Click it again to unlock all layers." Drag through the Lock column to lock or unlock multiple layers." Alt-click (Windows) or Option-click (Macintosh) in the Lock column to theright of a layer s name to lock all other layers.Alt-click or Option-click in theLock column again to unlock all layers.To change the order of layers:Drag one or more layers in the Timeline.Using Layers 205 Using guide layersFor help when drawing, you can use guide layers.You can make any layer a guidelayer.Guide layers are indicated by a guide icon to the left of the layer name.Guide layers do not appear in a published Flash Player movie.Guide layerYou can also create a motion guide layer to control the movement of objects in amotion tweened animation.See  Tweening motion along a path on page 258.Note: Dragging a normal layer onto a guide layer converts the guide layer to a motion guidelayer.To prevent accidentally converting a guide layer, place all guide layers at the bottomof the layer order.To designate a layer as a guide layer:Select the layer and right-click (Windows) or Control-click (Macintosh), thenchoose Guide from the context menu.Choose Guide again to revert the layer to anormal layer.Using mask layersFor spotlight effects and transitions, you can use a mask layer to create a holethrough which the contents of one or more underlying layers are visible.You cangroup multiple layers together under a single mask layer to create sophisticatedeffects.You can also use any type of animation, except motion paths, to make themask move.You cannot mask layers inside of buttons.To create a mask layer, you place a filled shape on the layer.The mask layer revealsthe area of linked, underlying layers that lie beneath the filled shape, and itconceals all other areas.Mask layers can contain only a single shape, instance, ortype object.(Flash mask layers provide similar functionality to the Paste Insidecommand in FreeHand [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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