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.Items include sil-ers under JD1, mains JD3-7; h8am-midnight) This an upmarket dinner.The catch of the day offer some kind of happy hour from 6pm ver jewellery from Wadi Musa, petroglyphold-timer draws the crowds for its pleasant normally includes sea bream, silver snapper, to 7.30pm.For traditional Arabic dancing, designs from Wadi Rum, kilims, clothes,outdoor seating and central location but grouper and goatfish, and there s a good fish and somewhat dubious cabaret acts, head to embroidery, basketwear and ceramics.it s trading on its past reputation according stew (JD5.500).Choose between indoor or the nightclub in the Aquamarina Beach Hotel Credit cards are accepted.to many readers.There s plenty of mezze, outdoor seating.Credit cards are accepted.(x2016250; www.aquamarina-group.com).Photo Hagop (x2012025; Zahran St; h8.30am-grilled meats and fish, including sayadieh Silk Road Restaurant (x2033556; As-Sa dah St; Baranda Lounge (x077 7232444; upper story, Aqaba 11pm) has several branches around town and(JD7), plus breakfast food and good cakes.mezze JD1-3, fish dishes JD6-7, seafood JD6-10; hnoon- Gateway; beer JD2-3.500) Yes, this is a  bar and a offers developing (JD4.500 for 36 prints),China Restaurant (x2014415; Al-Petra St; dishes midnight) One of Aqaba s finest restaurants, lounge and the coolest one in town at that.print and slide film, digital accessories andJD2.500-3, large beer JD1.800; h11.30am-3pm & 6.30- this is a great place to blow the budget or It s a relaxed and friendly place with sensible video cartridges (from JD3.500).11pm) The cook at this good place is Chinese celebrate a special occasion.It would be prices, a lovely terrace and a patio out backand his restaurant has long maintained a a false economy not to try the delicious that captures the sea breezes at night.Good Getting There & Awayhigh standard, getting numerous repeat seafood salads, chowders or main courses.food is served until midnight (steaks are AIRvisitors.Prices are reasonable.There are three attractive dining areas, with JD6.500) and bar snacks until 3am.Aqaba has Jordan s only commercial airportCaptain s Restaurant (x2016905; An-Nahda traditional low seating, and nightly (Rus- Rovers Return (x2032030; Aqaba Gateway; pint (x2012111) outside Amman, although it onlySt; starters 600 fils-JD6, mains JD3-6; h8am-midnight) sian!) belly-dancers in summer which you of Amstel/Guinness JD2.740/4.300) A branch of the awakes from its slumber when a flight is aboutNear the Chilli House; has a pleasant dining can easily enjoy or escape.There s also an Amman expat favourite but with cheaper to leave or arrive.There are weekly interna-area around the side.Seafood starts from extensive, reasonably priced wine and alco- drink prices thanks to the lower taxes.tional flights to Paris and Sharm El-Sheikh inJD5.500, including sayadieh, which isn t hol list (a draught Amstel costs JD2).Royal Yacht Club (x2022404; beer JD2.500-3.500) Egypt.Located 10km north of town.bad, or try a seafood salad (JD3.500).Break- Above the Romero Restaurant in the mar- Royal Jordanian (x2014477; www.rja.com.jo; Ash-fast is also served (600 fils to JD1.600).SELF-CATERING ina, this is the pick of the upmarket crowd.Sherif al-Hussein bin Ali St; h9am-5pm Sun-Thu) Oper-Mina House Floating Restaurant (x2012699; The best supermarket is Humam Supermarket It s a sophisticated place to enjoy the sunset ates flights to Amman s Queen Alia International Airportstarters from 650 fils, mains from JD3.500; hnoon-midnight) (x2015721; Al-Petra St; h8.30am-2.30pm & 4-11pm).and catch some late afternoon sea breezes.on Friday and Saturday.This is the place to buy, confirm orThis is an old favourite but recent travellers Safeway (h8am-midnight) is quite a hike away, Fun Pub (x2034020; Mövenpick Hotel; h8pm-2am) change Royal Jordanian or Royal Wings air tickets.Ticketsreports suggest that it s now become more 750m north of Princess Haya Hospital.The best of the hotel bars, with a happy hour to Amman cost JD39 one way.of a local male hang-out, so lone women The Fruit and Vegetable souq hidden at the from 8pm to 9pm.Royal Wings (www.royalwings.com.jo) A subsidiary ofmight want to get a second opinion before southern end of Raghadan St is the best place Royal Jordanian, flies between Aqaba and Amman s Markaheading out here.The restaurant is on a boat for fruit and vegetables.Entertainment airport twice daily.moored (or rather cemented) to the shore The best bakery (Al-Hammamat al-Tunisieh St; Aqaba Gateway (x2012200; Al-Baladiah Circle) hassouth of Aqaba castle.Fish starts at JD7 per the best collection of restaurants, fast food, BOATh6am-11pm) is unsigned in English.500g, which is good considering it is always shops, bars and a cinema.There are two daily boat services to Nuweibafreshly caught, and not frozen as in some CAFÉS & ICE-CREAM PARLOURS Jordan Experience (x2022200; Aqaba Gateway; in Egypt.For information about these serv-other Aqaba restaurants.The setting is very There are popular beachfront cafés along jex@aqabagaateway.com; admission JD6) Families will ices see p261.pleasant, with good views over the gulf to north of the Aqaba castle (where the front like this multimedia experience that starts There is no real need to buy your ticket inEilat and Taba.row seats of the cafés are so close to the off through a Disney-style siq and ends with advance as they never sell out (except per-La Dorada Restaurant (x2033137; mezze JD1-2, water that you can wet your toes while you a 40-minute film that simulates a flying- haps during the haj  see p243); just pur-mains JD3.500, fish JD6; hlunch & dinner) There s a re- whet your whistle) [ Pobierz caÅ‚ość w formacie PDF ]

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