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.see depictions of, 44, 53, 56Bloomer, Amelia, 13 also Prohibition; and settlement houses,Bristow, Joseph, 64 temperance movement 31 32Bull Moose Party, 15 16.election of 1896, 43 and Temperancesee also Progressive election of 1912 movement, 88Party about, 6 7, 25 28, 60 61, working conditions of, 66,Burns, Lucy, 79 85 72 73116 Progressivism 117*'income tax, 68 70 muckrakers Paul, Alice, 79Interstate Commerce Act, 2, about, 5, 44 45, 63 64 Payne, Sereno, 49 5033 35 Ida Tarbell, 85 87 Payne-Aldrich Tariff Act, 15,Interstate Commerce Ida Wells-Barnett, 93 95 26, 49 50, 84Commission, 33 34, 35 John Spargo, 72 peace movements, 12Lincoln Steffens, 82 83 Phillips, David Graham, 42,and McClure s Magazine, 45, 64J40 42 photography, 56 58Johnson, Hiram, 35 37 Upton Sinclair, 66 68 Pinchot, Gifford, 5, 21, 22,journalism.see muckrakers Muir, John, 5, 22, 61 23, 85The Jungle (Sinclair), 5 6, primary elections, 36, 38 39,44 45, 66 68 64, 96NJuvenile Protection Agency, Progressive Party.see also12, 32 Nation, Carry, 88 Bull Moose PartyNational American Women about, 6 7, 50 52Suffrage Association, 14, dissolution of, 40K79 in election of 1912, 26Keating-Owen Law, 19 National Association for the platform of 1924, 39Kelley, Florence, 32 Advancement of Progressives, 2 3Colored People Prohibition, 3, 52 56.see(NAACP), 95 also EighteenthLNational Child Labor Amendment;La Follette, Robert Committee, 19 Temperance movement;about, 6, 37 40 National Progressive temperance movement;and direct election of Republican League, 6, Twenty-firstsenators, 63 15, 26, 51 Amendmentin election of 1912, 26, 51 National Prohibition Act,in election of 1924, 52 53 54Rmentioned, 15 National Women SuffrageLa Follette, Robert, Jr., 52 Association (NWSA), 14, railroads, 2, 33 35, 39labor laws.see child labor; 77, 79 Rankin, Jeanette, 78, 81working conditions National Women s Loyal Reuf, Abe, 36LaGuardia, Fiorella, 55 League, 13 Revenue Act, 68 69lame duck sessions, 49 National Women s Party, 79 Riis, Jacob, 3, 44, 56 58,Lathrop, Julia, 19 natural law, 70 71 74 75League of Nations, 95, 98 99 nature, preserving, 4 5, 19 Rockefeller, John D.,living conditions, 72, 74 75 23, 60, 61 40 41, 44, 55, 64 65,Lynching and the Excuse for The Naval War of 1812 70 71It (Wells), 94 95 (Roosevelt), 58 Rogers, Henry, 40 41, 86New Deal, 19, 37 Roosevelt, Franklin D., 19,New Freedom, 96 98 37, 90MNewlands Act, 21 22 Roosevelt, Theodore.seeThe Making of an American Nineteenth Amendment, also election of 1912(Riis), 57 58 45 47, 81 82 about, 58 62Marshall, Thomas R., 97 Norris, George W., 47 49, and African Americans,McClure, Samuel, 40, 86 87 63 73McClure s Magazine, 40 42, and Bull Moose Party,44 45, 83, 86 87 15 16OMcKinley, William, 43 44, and conservation, 5, 2059 Obama, Barack, 9, 22, 81 21, 22McKinley Tariff, 43 On the Origin of Species and Food and Drug Act, 5Meat Inspection Act, 6, 28, (Darwin), 70 6, 29, 6860, 68 and housing laws, 57minimum wage laws, 76 and muckrakers, 42,Pmonopolies, 2 3, 34 35, 60, 44 4564 66, 70 71 Panic of 1837, 12 and tariffs, 50Mott, Lucretia, 77, 78 79 parks, national, 23, 61 and tenements, 75 118 Progressivism*'and trusts, 3 Sumner, William Graham,Vand William Howard Taft, 7084 85 survival of the fittest, 65, 70 Veblen, Thorstein, 91 9371, 92 Volstead, Andrew, 53sweatshops, 16, 73 Volstead Act, 53 54, 89SSchmitz, Eugene, 36T Wsenators, election of, 6 7, 36,62 64 Taft, William Howard, 6, 15, Wabash, St.Louis, & PacificSeneca Falls Convention, 13, 23, 49 50, 60 61, 69, Railway Co.v.Illinois,78 79 83 85, 96.see also 35settlement houses, 3, 10 12, election of 1912 Wallace, Henry, 5230 33, 74 Tarbell, Ida, 40 41, 44, 45, Wells-Barnett, Ida B.,Seventeenth Amendment, 85 87 93 9562 64 tariffs Wheeler, Burton K., 52Shame of the Cities and income tax, 69 Wiley, Harvey, 29(Steffens), 42, 44, 83 McKinley Tariff, 43 Wilson, Woodrow.see alsoSherman, John, 65 Payne-Aldrich Tariff Act, election of 1912Sherman Antitrust Act, 2 3, 15, 26, 49 50, 84 about, 95 9964 66 Underwood-Simmons election of, 7, 25 28, 37Sinclair, Upton, 5 6, 29, 44, Tariff, 96 98 and women s rights, 46,66 68 and William Taft, 84 85 79 80Sixteenth Amendment, taxes, 68 70 Wisconsin Idea, 3968 70 temperance movement, 3, The Woman s BibleSmith, Gerrit, 76 77 87 90.see also (Stanton), 78social Darwinism, 70 71, Eighteenth Amendment; women.see also suffragists92 Prohibition in government, 81social justice, 10 12, 13 14, tenements, 44, 56, 73, 75 rights of, 13 15, 45 47,32, 71 76 The Theory of the Leisure 77 78, 95.see alsoSocialist Party, 27 28 Class (Veblen), 91 93 suffrageSpargo, John, 72 Treaty of Versailles, 99 and Temperancespeakeasies, 54, 90 Truman, Harry S., 52 movement, 88 89Spencer, Herbert, 70 trusts, 2 3, 26, 34, 64 66, 85, working conditions of, 72,The Spirit of Youth and the 98.see also Standard Oil 75 76City Streets (Addams), Company Women s Christian75 Twentieth Amendment, Temperance UnionSquare Deal, 60, 73 48 49 (WCTU), 53, 88 89Standard Oil Company, 40 Twenty Years at Hull House Women s International41, 44, 64 65, 86 87 (Addams), 30 League for Peace andStanton, Elizabeth Cady, 13, Twenty-first Amendment, Freedom, 1214, 76 78, 78 79 25, 55 56, 87, 89 90, Women s Peace Party, 12Starr, Ellen, 3, 10, 11, 30 31 90 91.see also workers compensation, 26,Steffens, Lincoln, 41 42, 44, Prohibition; temperance 32, 39, 9682 83 movement working conditions, 16 17,Stone, Lucy, 79 66, 71 73, 75 76suffrage, 4, 16, 26, 45 47.see World War I, 98 99Ualso suffragists; women: Wright, Frank Lloyd, 32rights of Underwood-Simmons Tariff,suffragists, 78 82.see also 96 98Zsuffrage; individual United Mine Workers, 42suffragists United Nations, 22 Zimmermann, Arthur, 98 [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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