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.Such a link is often found between thehoroscopes of husband and wife, but if this should duplicate each partner's natal position, each maybe inclined to leave the task of establishing harmony to the other and the partnership may suffer as aresult.The male partner may be at particular pains to evaluate his mate's capacity for establishing ahappy relationship before he finally commits himself, but once he is satisfied that she can do so.thislink promises a particularly harmonious partnership, provided Venus is not much afflicted at birth andthe cross-aspects are mainly favorable.Venus in the 8thWhen the man's Venus is in the eighth house of his female partner's horoscope this can be asomewhat crucial position and a great deal may depend upon the cross-aspects to Venus.Herfeelings towards him will probably be deeply rooted and she may not always be sure of the truereasons for her emotional reactions, whether they be sympathetic or antipathetic.In a male-femalerelationship this link can indicate considerable sexual attraction and the partner whose Venus is in theeighth house of the other may seem to be possessed of some mysterious allure.In coming to termswith this source of fascination, the other may gain a great deal of self-enlightenment.When thisinterchange is present between a couple who are romantically interested in each other, it is wise tocheck whether there are other indications of affinity of a more durable nature, otherwise much of theinterest may be based on physical attraction, which is no great guarantee of a permanent association.Venus in the 9thWhen the man's Venus falls in the ninth house of his female partner's horoscope he may, through hisexample, be able to influence her whole approach to life.His obvious goodwill can produce reactionsin her that will increase her interest in gaining a greater understanding of the ideas that motivate hisway of life.He may implant in her mind a greater desire to travel and he may be able to providetransport for her or show her how she can travel more easily or comfortably.This link encourages asympathetic rapport and facilitates an atmosphere of goodwill (unless Venus is much afflicted) withthe result that she is fascinated by the philosophy of her partner and very amenable to persuasion inthis direction.It is a very useful link between the horoscopes of teacher and pupil, when it is thepupil's ninth house that is involved.Venus in the 10thWhen the man's Venus falls in the tenth house of his female partner's horoscope, and moreparticularly when it falls in conjunction with her Midheaven, he may be able to offer her considerablehelp with her career and provide her with valuable encouragement as she seeks to realize her aims,because he can appreciate the value of what she is attempting to achieve.She will always be able toretain his high opinion of her worth, unless Venus is much afflicted at birth or there are difficult cross-aspects.Even so, this may only signify a temptation on her part to take undue advantage of hisgenerous support.She will find that any demonstration of loyalty to-wards him on her part will usuallybe amply repaid.If the position is reversed, the woman's Venus in the tenth house of her male partnercan make her an object of adoration, with a desire on the man's part to place her on a pedestal.Venus in the 11thWhen the man's Venus falls in the eleventh house of his female partner's horoscope this can makefor a very happy association and is a link frequently found between the horoscopes of marriagepartners.He will be particularly appreciative of her ideals and he may be able to assist her to realizesome of her dreams.This link can indicate the possibility of building a friendship based on the highestmotives.If Venus is much afflicted at birth and the cross-aspects are inharmonious, he may betempted to pursue the friendship for ulterior motives, or she may take undue advantage of his friendlydisposition towards her.Venus in the 12thWhen the man's Venus falls in the twelfth house of his female partner's horoscope, in which Venus isnaturally at home, he may have a special talent for helping her to adjust to difficult situations and beable to suggest solutions to her when she is faced with complicated problems.He may have a specialinterest in easing her path as much as possible and may not always say exactly what is in his mindfor fear of upsetting her.He can be a sympathetic companion to her and comfort her when she isdistressed and may be able to put her in touch with those who can minister to her bodily well-beingand spiritual needs.He may be instrumental in introducing her to a study of occult or mysticalsubjects
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